
Not a Veterinarian? Learn ZIMS for Medical with New Courses for Non-Veterinary Staff

A tranquil lake surrounded by lush greenery reflects the sky, with a small wooden canoe with outriggers floating on the calm water.

ZIMS in Conservation Research: Optimizing zoo and aquarium resources to further the IUCN One Plan Approach

Wildebeests leap into a river during a dramatic migration scene, surrounded by dust and splashes.

The Great Notes Migration – Still have historical animal or medical data outside of ZIMS? We can help.

A Przewalski's horse steps out of a blue transport crate labeled

Prague Zoo, an EAZA EEP and ZIMS for Studbooks: Returning Przewalski’s horse to the Asian steppes

A young anteater, part of the Xenarthra superorder, explores a forest floor covered in green grass and scattered leaves.

AZA Research: Are Zoo and Aquarium Populations Becoming Smaller and Less Diverse? AZA Researchers Use ZIMS Data to Study Trends

Headshot of Cheri Horvath

Welcome to the Species360 team Cheri Horvath

A dashboard from the Species360 Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) showing ex situ population data, including a total of 3,568 animals (1,667 males, 1,606 females, and 295 unsexed), a map indicating distribution across institutions globally, and details on the 130 institutions in 25 countries managing these animals under conservation programs.

A One Plan approach to species data: Species360 Ex situ species holdings now on the IUCN Red List

LearnZIMS: Aquarist says new course is excellent “how to” for ZIMS

Global information
serving conservation.

Species360 facilitates international collaboration in the collection and sharing of data to serve global plant and animal management and conservation goals.