Insights Program

For half a century, Species360 has spearheaded a movement in wildlife management and conservation. As a global non-profit organization, we empower over 1,300 member institutions across more than 100 countries to gather and analyze critical data about the species in their care. Our efforts support vital research, breeding programs, and informed decisions that enhance research, animal welfare and conservation efforts worldwide.
Species360’s mission is to advance knowledge about species, and the Species360 Insights program plays an important role in fulfilling this mission by providing researchers and veterinarians with access to in-depth species data, which can help inform the care and conservation of species, and further scientific research on wildlife species.

What is Species360 Insights?

The Insights program is a subscription-based program that empowers researchers and veterinarians with access to one of the world’s largest sets of medical and demographic data on species. Subscribers gain access to an extensive reservoir of insights on over 25,000 species gathered from renowned zoological organizations across the globe.

Who is the Species360
Insights program for?

The Species360 Insights program is relevant to veterinarians, researchers, demographers, conservationists, universities, and more. Current subscribers include the University of Chicago’s Department of Ecology and Evolution, which uses aggregated ZIMS data to study immunology in mammals, and the Human Evolutionary Biology Department at Harvard University, which studies the connections between genotype and phenotype in mammals.

What is Included?

The Species360 Insights subscription provides access to aggregated and anonymized species data contained in the
Species360 Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS).
Through a Species360 Insights subscription, users can access aggregated data on:

Global Veterinary Medical Resources

Anesthesia summaries

Provide users with a species-level summary of the drugs and dosages used by Species360 member institutions to induce anesthesia and the associated complications for each protocol.

Drug usage extract

Provides users with a summary, organized by taxon, of the drugs, dosages, administration routes, dosing frequency, prescription duration, and adverse effects as recorded by Species360 member institutions in their prescription records.

Expected test results

Provides reference intervals for common diagnostic tests for species and subspecies, calculated from the Test and Results records entered by member institutions. This information supports the appropriate interpretation of diagnostic test results.

Global Demographic Information

Animal charts

A set of graphs in ZIMS that displays information from specific data sets. There are six different charts, each revealing different information on more than 13 million individual animals, including: Taxonomy charts, which graph the number of animal types both historically and current across the entire ZIMS database, or IUCN at Risk% which graphs the number of animals or species across the ZIMS database that IUCN considers to be at risk.

Pedigree explorer

Family history for an animal.

Species event history

A report that visualizes the ZIMS history of a species, including the number and location of births and the number and location of animal moves.

Population overview

Overview of the state of the animal population within ZIMS, including key metrics on genetics and demographics, and indicators of the underlying data quality.

Age distribution

A graphic display of the sexes and ages of the selected species.

Weight comparison report

Displays average weights for a specific species based on individual weights recorded in ZIMS.

Taxon Advisory Group (TAG) Export

This resource offers current physical holdings of Species360 member institutions in a downloadable spreadsheet. It includes an array of information including number of births, IUCN status, CITES listings and much more as well as an IUCN status summary. The data can be filtered to view by: global, continent, country, association and the reported holdings and births within the last 12 months can be reviewed in a mapped visualization. It is intended to help support strategic collection planning, such as that done by various Association TAGs.

Global Studbook Search Tool

Search for animals that are actively managed in a conservation breeding program in ZIMS.


Through Species360 Insights, you can access advanced tools and analytics designed to streamline your analysis and interpretation of species data. Make well-informed decisions backed by comprehensive species information not found anywhere else.

Insights Access for Species360 Members

Species360 members have access to Insights as part of their Species360 Membership. Members can assign the ‘Insights’ role under Husbandry and Medical to any staff they wish to grant Insights access.

Additional Resources

To help users navigate the Insights program, we are pleased to offer a free Insights course on the Nature Conservancy Conservation Training website, which explains in greater detail how to access and interpret the data in the Insights course. The easy-to-follow course will take you step-by-step through navigating ZIMS and accessing the data you need.
Here is a look at some of the institutions using ZIMS data for
research through the Species360 Insights program:
IUCN Primates
Section on Small Apes
Uses ZIMS data to inform gibbon rescue, rehabilitation, and conservation centers
University of California, Davis logo
University of California, Davis
United States
Conducting research on wildlife life history and behavior change over time and space, the researcher is examining variation in birthing times across a latitudinal gradient, supplementing work being done in the field.
Veterinary Diagnostic Services
A laboratory within the Manitoba Agriculture Department, Government of Canada.
University of Pennsylvania
United States
Conducting research on wildlife fertility and how it varies by birth season and by species.
Babes Bolyai University
Evolutionary Ecology Group will enhance their field-collected physiological measurements on bird species with zoo results. Research focused on finding correlations between bird species physiological parameters, specimen size, and overall health predictors.
Murdoch University
Compliment their field research in numerous wildlife medical areas with aggregated zoo data for a more complete species’ understanding.
Sorrento Therapeutics
(Nasdaq: SRNE) & their ARK Animal Health subsidiary, USA
Clinical stage biotechnology company involved in physical research, primarily engaged in the discovery and development of therapies focused on oncology and the treatment of chronic cancer pain – in human, companion animals, wildlife.
Hamilton College, Department of Biology
United States
Research investigating the trade-offs among physiological traits across numerous wildlife species.
University of St. Gallen
Research on population changes of species held in captivity that have disappeared (or are at a critical stage) in the wild in the Ivory Coast. This research is part of the wildlife project under the direction of the Aboukouamékro National Parc, Ivory Coast.
University of California, Berkeley
United States
Research on the types of species frequently held in zoo collections to help inform biodiversity discussions, and conservation prioritization/spending.
University of Virginia
United States
Comparative study of parasitism and immune function in primates will use physiological markers data in ZIMS.
University of Navarra
Department of Environmental Biology is completing analysis on the role of zoos in species conservation.
Snow Leopard Trust
United States
Research to protect the endangered snow leopard and its habitat in 12 countries of Central Asia.

Subscribe today and unlock the world of species insights that await you!

For more information on Species360 Insights, fees and to subscribe, please contact us through the form.

Global information
serving conservation.

Species360 facilitates international collaboration in the collection and sharing of data to serve global plant and animal management and conservation goals.