Provide users with a species-level summary of the drugs and dosages used by Species360 member institutions to induce anesthesia and the associated complications for each protocol.
Provides users with a summary, organized by taxon, of the drugs, dosages, administration routes, dosing frequency, prescription duration, and adverse effects as recorded by Species360 member institutions in their prescription records.
Provides reference intervals for common diagnostic tests for species and subspecies, calculated from the Test and Results records entered by member institutions. This information supports the appropriate interpretation of diagnostic test results.
A set of graphs in ZIMS that displays information from specific data sets. There are six different charts, each revealing different information on more than 13 million individual animals, including: Taxonomy charts, which graph the number of animal types both historically and current across the entire ZIMS database, or IUCN at Risk% which graphs the number of animals or species across the ZIMS database that IUCN considers to be at risk.
Family history for an animal.
A report that visualizes the ZIMS history of a species, including the number and location of births and the number and location of animal moves.
Overview of the state of the animal population within ZIMS, including key metrics on genetics and demographics, and indicators of the underlying data quality.
A graphic display of the sexes and ages of the selected species.
Displays average weights for a specific species based on individual weights recorded in ZIMS.
This resource offers current physical holdings of Species360 member institutions in a downloadable spreadsheet. It includes an array of information including number of births, IUCN status, CITES listings and much more as well as an IUCN status summary. The data can be filtered to view by: global, continent, country, association and the reported holdings and births within the last 12 months can be reviewed in a mapped visualization. It is intended to help support strategic collection planning, such as that done by various Association TAGs.
Search for animals that are actively managed in a conservation breeding program in ZIMS.
Global information
serving conservation.