ZIMS Care and Welfare module assists users in carrying out comprehensive welfare monitoring at their organizations, including welfare audits and quality of life assessments. The Care and Welfare module contains predefined welfare indicators shared by our global community, and allows our members to share different audit templates and indicators with the community to facilitate strategic and standardized welfare data collection and assessment.
Separate out your different animal collections to help organize your animal management. With collection management, you can keep your education or quarantine animals separate from your main collection to make reporting easier.
A collection of nearly two dozen reports is available in ZIMS for Husbandry, and a robust search feature allows users to choose which fields appear in the results. Make use of tools like husbandry log and aquarist daily log templates to streamline your daily work flow and save you time.
Stay up to date with animal management changes with the new Daily Activity feature, which allows you to quickly see recently updated information.
Keep track of all the inhabitants within a tank or enclosure, as well as organize and manage water treatments, enclosure dimensions and components, and life support systems.
Many regional associations are requiring that enrichment be documented in their accreditation process. In ZIMS you can record an enrichment item, assign it to an animal – this can be approved by animal, group or taxonomy. You can then record how the enrichment sessions went and the animal’s response to it to help you develop a successful enrichment program.
An easy to use grid where you can record multiple items fed, the amounts fed and the amounts consumed or left over. Make use of this data by graphing feed log data against weight to see how your animals are responding.
Monitor weights, lengths, feed logs, water quality measurements and more through our graphing tools to quickly see changes and patterns, ensuring you can keep optimal conditions for your animals to thrive.
Manage your animal inventories though standardized transactions. See how inventories have changed over time using our two inventory reports which combine ZIMS, IUCN, and CITES data.
Many animals require permits, some at the international and some at the local level. Record your permits in ZIMS and assign them to your animals for easy tracking. ZIMS helps your institution meet legal requirements and recording the appropriate permit within the animal record is an easy method to do so.
To further protect populations in the wild, leading zoos and aquariums are working together to sustain diverse groups of species. ZIMS “Available/Wanted” listings make it possible for collection planners and population managers to identify individuals or groups at other institutions that need a home — and to find the right home for individuals and groups that require a new or additional location. Once a match is made, ZIMS supports the transfer with the right information, including the ability to easily transfer complete husbandry and medical records to the new institution.
Make use of our standardized comprehensive taxonomy tree, which allows everyone to be on the same page. See relevant taxonomy information in one place, such as IUCN Red List assessments, CITES appendices, geographical range, and habitat. With every bit of data you record, you help us to increase the knowledge on each taxonomy.
Global information
serving conservation.