Author name: Paolo

A tranquil lake surrounded by lush greenery reflects the sky, with a small wooden canoe with outriggers floating on the calm water.

ZIMS in Conservation Research: Optimizing zoo and aquarium resources to further the IUCN One Plan Approach

Using ZIMS data, researchers Dr. Thomas Ziegler, Professor, Cologne Zoo, and Herpetology keeper, Anna Rauhaus capture the role of Species360 and its member community in contributing to the build-up of the ‘conservation zoo’ as One Plan Approach conservation centres.

ZIMS in Conservation Research: Optimizing zoo and aquarium resources to further the IUCN One Plan Approach Read More »

Wildebeests leap into a river during a dramatic migration scene, surrounded by dust and splashes.

The Great Notes Migration – Still have historical animal or medical data outside of ZIMS? We can help.

Blog / We’re pleased to offer a new solution to migrate your data into the Species360 Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) as notes! ZIMS is a powerful system that has become the world-standard for managing every facet of data on wild animals in human care.  Your first thought might be “I want ALL my data

The Great Notes Migration – Still have historical animal or medical data outside of ZIMS? We can help. Read More »

A Przewalski's horse steps out of a blue transport crate labeled

Prague Zoo, an EAZA EEP and ZIMS for Studbooks: Returning Przewalski’s horse to the Asian steppes

Blog / Many thanks to Ivan Rehak and Prague Zoo for your contributions and edits, often from the field, to make this story possible! Przewalski’s horses are released to a natural habitat in central Kazakhstan in June 2024. The Return of the Wild Horses project is the first reintroduction project spearheaded by a zoo. Previously,

Prague Zoo, an EAZA EEP and ZIMS for Studbooks: Returning Przewalski’s horse to the Asian steppes Read More »

A young anteater, part of the Xenarthra superorder, explores a forest floor covered in green grass and scattered leaves.

AZA Research: Are Zoo and Aquarium Populations Becoming Smaller and Less Diverse? AZA Researchers Use ZIMS Data to Study Trends

Blog / Learn more about the characteristics of Xenarthra in this Jaguar Research Center article. (Photo: Jaguar Research Center) None of this research would be possible without the data provided by zoos and aquariums in the Species360 (ZIMS) database.Dr. Megan Brown, Director of Population Management Strategy, Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Early findings from

AZA Research: Are Zoo and Aquarium Populations Becoming Smaller and Less Diverse? AZA Researchers Use ZIMS Data to Study Trends Read More »

Two colorful birds with red, black, and white plumage perch on thin branches.

ZIMS at Work: Using ZIMS for Studbooks, Smithsonian scientists discover surprising opportunities to help save an endangered species

Blog / In this ZIMS at Work article, we talk with Erica Royer, Aviculturist and Red Siskin Consortium Coordinator and Studbook Keeper at Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute (NZCBI) in Front Royal, Virginia (United States). Her insight to reproductive strategies for endangered Red Siskin birds demonstrates why managed programs are essential to saving

ZIMS at Work: Using ZIMS for Studbooks, Smithsonian scientists discover surprising opportunities to help save an endangered species Read More »

A king penguin with black, white, and yellow markings stands near the edge of the water.

ZIMS at Work: Managing diverse species and habitats with the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland

Blog / Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s renowned king penguin Brigadier Sir Nils Olav, mascot and colonel-in-chief of the Norwegian King’s Guard. (Photo courtesy of RZSS). The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) has a history of protecting species and reintroducing populations to their natural habitat. RZSS has helped return the wild Partula snail to

ZIMS at Work: Managing diverse species and habitats with the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland Read More »

ZIMS at Work: Veterinary programme supports bold mission at Dublin Zoo

Blog / In this ZIMS at Work article, veterinarian Frank O’Sullivan takes us inside the team’s work with Dublin Zoo. Here is what he had to say about the mission, including how the team uses Species360 and ZIMS resources to collaborate within the organization and with other experts in the scientific community. Niamh McGill, (Dublin

ZIMS at Work: Veterinary programme supports bold mission at Dublin Zoo Read More »