The Great Notes Migration – Still have historical animal or medical data outside of ZIMS? We can help.

Wildebeests leap into a river during a dramatic migration scene, surrounded by dust and splashes.

We’re pleased to offer a new solution to migrate your data into the Species360 Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) as notes!

ZIMS is a powerful system that has become the world-standard for managing every facet of data on wild animals in human care.  Your first thought might be “I want ALL my data in ZIMS as soon as possible,” and that’s why you are wondering about a data migration.

You are not alone. Species360 member institutions have been migrating pre-existing data into ZIMS for several years. Most recently, Species360 has been using a much-improved process to successfully add members’ historical data to their ZIMS records.

Here is a bit of the how and why

ZIMS is an incredibly robust structured database.  This structure gives users access to reliable data on over 13,000,000 animals of over 25,000 species, including medical expected test results for over 2,400 species and subspecies. Data entered into ZIMS is unlike data in any other system – ZIMS includes over 8,000 global data standards, for example, and no other system matches those carefully chosen, internationally accepted standards.

The integrity of ZIMS data and the resulting resources is crucial, and that is why we have developed a migration process that ensures all data meets these high-quality data standards.

To maintain this high degree of data quality, we offer these migration methods

Ready to Migrate? Let’s Get Started

If you’re interested in migrating your data into ZIMS or learning more about the notes migration option and costs, our team is here to guide you through the process. Please send us an email at
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Global information
serving conservation.

Species360 facilitates international collaboration in the collection and sharing of data to serve global plant and animal management and conservation goals.