Release Notes

ZIMS Released February 5, 2025

ZIMS Released January 22, 2025

ZIMS Released January 8, 2025

ZIMS Released December 11, 2024

ZIMS Released November 27, 2024

  • The data sharing map has been updated to include the institution mnemonic.
  • Minor bug fixes

Data Standards 

ZIMS Released November 13, 2024

  • Minor bug fixes

Data Standards 

ZIMS Released October 30, 2024

  • Minor bug fixes

Data Standards 

  • Data standard additions:
    • Mentor has been added to the list of studbook user titles.
    • Carbonate hardness has been added as a water quality measurement for aquatic enclosures, life supports, and components.
    • Liver to pelvis length and Liver-coelom ratio animal lengths have been added for cartilaginous fish to assist with body condition recording in sharks.


ZIMS Released October 16, 2024

ZIMS Released September 30, 2024

Data Entry

  • User measurement preferences will be applied to the UOM field when adding weights.
  • Search has been improved. Users can now search by animal lists and enclosures as well as commonly used identifiers.
  • Multi-select animals for batch custom entry for weights, with the ability to skip an animal if desired.Identifiers – users with access to add identifiers can add physical or logical identifiers.
  • Users with provisional access to Data Entry record types (notes, weights and identifiers) do not have access to this new feature yet. Stay tuned!

    Click here for more help on Data Entry.

Taxon Profiles

  • Institutions can now view their local data as a scatter plot overlying the global weight summary. This data is not cleaned or curated. Data is presented as entered. Please use this as an opportunity to see how your animal data compares to the global summary for that species. It may also help you identify data entry errors for your collection.
  • The first weeks of life are now summarized in days instead of months. This provides greater granularity as animals are rapidly growing. Details for each data range are provided in the hover over label for clarity.
    Click here for more help on Taxon Profiles.

QR Codes

  • Through the Data Entry screen, users can now specify animals, and record type to generate a QR code and get direct access to that specific data entry screen.
  • Important facts to know regarding QR codes on Data Entry:
    • This is a work in progress! Currently it is best to select one or more animals to generate a QR code for direct access. If an animal list or enclosure occupants are selected and then later updated, if a QR code was generated, it will not update the URL for the QR code yet. Coming soon!
  • There are now specific URLs for the Animal tab and Enclosure tab of Daily Activity.
    • Coming soon – set specific search parameters on Daily Activity and generate a QR code.
  • QR codes generated from specific species result pages in the Taxon Profiles will link directly to that page.

Data Standards 

ZIMS Released September 16, 2024

Data Entry

  • Users will be able to navigate to the new data entry workflow via the start menu
  • If accessing from a mobile device, there is a launch button that will direct users to the Data Entry screen. Click here for more help on Data Entry.
  • There is a new navigation menu available on the Data entry screens that enable users to navigate to Daily Activity, Data Entry and Taxon profiles
  • Users with rights to add notes can enter notes for single and batch animals
  • Users with rights to add weights can enter weights for single animals
  • Users with rights to add census can enter census records for groups.

Taxon Profiles

  • The basic profile for a taxonomy will includes the taxonomic information, IUCN status and CITES classification, range and habitat information, a count of total living specimens and census count in ZIMS, species holdings by continent and which regions manage studbooks for this species in ZIMS.
  • The first release of Taxon Profiles will include a global body weight pattern graph by age in years.
  • Users will view a line to represent the mean weight in kg for that age range, and a shaded area to represent one standard deviation above and below the mean.
  • If users hover the mouse over the graph, they may view the mean weight, +/- 1 Std Dev range, and sample size details for that age.
  • Users may filter the graph to view data based on sex type.
  • Users may zoom in to view a smaller age range in more detail.
  • To improve data quality, some animals and data values have been excluded. To review those rules and learn more about specific statistical methods please review the help document: Taxon Profiles data inclusion criteria help.
  • Future releases will include the ability to view institutional animal weights as an overlay on the global summary, and more granular view of the first weeks of life.
  • Reproduction and survival analyses are planned for the future. Click here for more help on Taxon Profiles.

Daily Activity

  • Enclosure treatments are now available on the enclosure tab. 

Data Standards 

ZIMS Released September 10, 2024

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

Daily Activity

  • Chemical additions are now available on the enclosure tab.

Data Standards 

ZIMS Released September 2, 2024

ZIMS for Medical

  • Medication “Use by” date ZIMS has been calculating a “Use by” date and adding it to the Staff Treatment Instructions and Administration Compliance Worksheet as well as the administration and dispensing workflows. We have removed this date to avoid confusion with actual medication expiration dates. Veterinary staff may include expiry information in the Staff Instructions they type into ZIMS, or hand write those details on compliance sheets or labels as per their regulatory requirements.

Data Standards 

  • Data standard additions:
    • We added mean, diastolic, and systolic direct blood pressure measurements to the physiological measurement menu. When you select one of these, you will see a list of anatomical sites that have been described in the literature for invasive blood pressure measurement. If you used a different anatomical site, please select other. You can add the specific site details as a note. Please email if there are additional anatomical sites you would like added to the list.

ZIMS Released August 21, 2024

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

Daily Activity

  • Enclosure measurements now show the last measurement and percent change. 
  • Notes, observations and maintenance records that were recorded as a batch action will now be batched into single rows per record type.
  • Read more about Daily Activity here. 

Data Standards 

ZIMS Released August 07, 2024

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

Daily Activity

  • Two new data types have been added to the enclosure tab within Daily Activity:
    • Maintenance: Track your recently added enclosure maintenance items, and any maintenance that is in progress during your selected dates.
      • You can find more information on Enclosure Maintenance here.
    • Checklist items: Review checklist items added to your enclosures to help keep up to date with your enclosure checks.
      • You can find more information on Enclosure checklist items here.

ZIMS for Medical 

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks 

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Data Standards 

ZIMS Released July 24, 2024

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • The Daily Activity dashboard has a new tab for Enclosure data! Record types: Enclosure notes and Enclosure measurements are now available. Work is ongoing to include additional enclosure record types. Visit our Daily Activity help document for more information.

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics  

Daily Activity  

  • Two new data types have been added to the enclosure tab within Daily Activity:   
  • Maintenance: Track your recently added enclosure maintenance items, and any maintenance that is in progress during your selected dates.   
  • You can find more information on Enclosure Maintenance here.   
  • Checklist items: Review checklist items added to your enclosures to help keep up to date with your enclosure checks.   
  • You can find more information on Enclosure checklist items here.  

ZIMS Released May 29, 2024

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • The taxonomy module has had a few small changes in preparation for some exciting upcoming work!
    • The Habitat field for a taxonomy has been replaced with two new fields: Habitat Type and Habitat System.
    • The Comment field has been renamed to reflect CITES Notes
    • A new field has been added for IUCN Notes
    • A new field has been added for IUCN Assessment Date
    • For more information see the Taxonomy ZIMSHelp document
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released April 03, 2024

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Daily Activity is now exportable to Microsoft Excel! Once Daily Activity is loaded, click on the download button to get a Microsoft Excel export of your data. The data is exported into separate tabs by record type. Visit our Daily Activity help documentfor more information.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released Jan 24, 2024

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • There have been some big changes to Care and Welfare:
    • You can now create templates without any assigned animals/taxa/enclosures and share them with other institutions! This allows you to share generic welfare audits with other institutions, who can then accept the template as many times as needed and assign to their own animals/taxa/enclosures.
    • You can now configure numeric scales to have half points. For example, you can have a 1-3 scale with 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3.
    • You can now configure numeric scales to have any minimum, including negative values. For example, you can have a scale from -4 to +4.
    • For more information see: ZIMSHelp Care and Welfare

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released Nov 15, 2023

ZIMS Modernization

New feature: Daily Activity

  • Daily Activity is a brand new dashboard built within our modern platform that provides users with up-to-date information from across their institution in an easy to access, mobile-friendly way.
    • When opened, the dashboard displays recently added animal information to give an overview of what is happening at your institution, including animal transactions, weights, notes and observations, feed logs, training and enrichment. The dashboard can also be used to look back retrospectively.
    • The Dashboard has been designed to provide users with an interactive experience that gives more context to the animal information displayed.
    • Daily Activity can be accessed from the ZIMS Start Menu, and will open alongside ZIMS in a new tab in your internet browser. It can also be accessed directly from
    • Daily Activity has been automatically added to the Species360 template roles: Local Admin, Read Only and User. Custom roles at your institution will need the functionality added manually by Local Admins.
    • For more information see: Daily Activity help document

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • The Enclosure Tree View now displays the enclosure identifier alongside the enclosure name to give you more context to your enclosure codes.
  • For more information see the Enclosure help document.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released Aug 30, 2023

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics


ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released Aug 1, 2023

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Animal Graphing Tool
    • Hovering over a Care and Welfare data point in the Animal Graphing Tool will now show you any notes which were associated with that Care and Welfare data point, allowing you to see more information related to the data point.
    • The Animal Graphing Tool has been updated to allow you to choose individual Care and Welfare indicators to graph. You still have the previous option of choosing the whole Care and Welfare category, but you can now choose single indicators before running the graph.
    • There is now an option to run the Animal Graphing Tool by Care and Welfare template. Choosing a Care and Welfare template will automatically populate the graph filters with the animals and care and welfare indicators within the template. You can then add or remove any of the criteria as normal. This new feature allows you to quickly and easily graph your care and welfare data for multiple animals, and also compare against other ZIMS data points.
    • You can now choose which identifiers you would like to see on the Animal Graphing Tool, as well as displaying indicators separately within the Animal Graphing Tool export.
    • The Animal Graphing Tool export has been fixed to now show care and welfare notes alongside the name of the care and welfare indicator.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp-Tools in Husbandry Index
  • Care and Welfare
    • There have been some changes made to the way Care and Welfare roles function to make them easier for users.
      • Care and Welfare Indicator and Care and Welfare Indicator Value have been merged together into “Care and Welfare Indicator”. The highest permission level for the two merged roles will be retained when merged. The new Care and Welfare Indicator role will control viewing indicators (search/view) and adding, editing, removing and configuring indicators (add, edit, remove).
      • Care and Welfare Measurements/Template has been split into two roles:
        • Care and Welfare Templates. This role will grant access to see templates (search/view) and create, edit or delete templates (add, edit, remove).
        • Care and Welfare Measurements. This role controls whether a user can add, edit or delete Care and Welfare data.
      • The previous permission level for Care and Welfare Measurements/Templates will be transferred to the new role Care and Welfare Measurements. If users had at least search/view for Care and Welfare Measurements/Templates then users will be assigned search/view for Care and Welfare Templates, otherwise no permission level will be given to the new role of Care and Welfare Templates. Local Admin (s360) roles will have full Care and Welfare Template access applied automatically.
    • Out of range Care and Welfare indicator values can now be found in the Animal Alert Search (renamed Animal Alert and Out of Range Indicator Search) within the Animal Search. The search has been enhanced to allow users to also search by current and historical enclosure by utilizing the enclosure and date range searches. For more information see:ZIMSHelp-Animals Husbandry Searches
    • Care and Welfare notes and indicator notes now have the option to use Note Template functionality.
    • Care and Welfare templates can now be searched by animal. Searching for an animal will filter the list of templates for any template that includes your searched for animal, including if the template was set up for Taxonomy, Enclosure, Animal List, or Enclosure List.
    • When navigating to Care and Welfare from an animal record, clicking the Care and Welfare button will now take you directly to the Care and Welfare Templates list, and filter the list for the animal you navigated from. To reset the search, simply remove the animal from the search at the top of the screen.
    • When creating a new Care and Welfare template for specific animals, you can now add multiple animals in the same box. There is also now the option to search for multiple animals using the magnifying glass search.
    • When adding a weight on a Care and Welfare template, clicking the note/details button will now open a pop-up with more weight functionality, mirroring that of a normal weight entry, to allow you to add more details, such as estimate, equipment used and exclude from norms.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp-Animal Care & Welfare
  • Provisional
    • Provisionally entered batch notes can now be edited by a provisional user prior to being approved. The batch notes can be edited as a single entity where the edit applies to all notes in the batch, or users can split a single note from the batch and have the edit only apply to that single note. Once approved, the batch notes follow the normal provisional procedure and can then only be edited by users with full access.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp-Provisional Data Entry
  • Enclosure moves
    • Enclosure moves entered as a batch can now be edited as a batch. Users can edit the batch enclosure move as either an entire batch where the edit applies to all notes in the batch, or users can split an enclosure move and have the edit only apply to that single move. Note-this functionality is only available for users who do not allow animals to be in multiple enclosures at the same time.
    • The enclosure move grid on an animal record has been updated to include the transfer reason associated with the move in. The transfer reason is also now present on the PDF and Excel exports of the enclosure move grid.
    • For more information see: ZIMSHelp-Recording Animal Enclosure Moves
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released June 27, 2023

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload- our integration with IDEXX VetConnect Plus:
    • We added more information to the preview balloon for results that ZIMS is unable to process.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor bug fixes.

ZIMS Released May 30, 2023

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload- our integration with IDEXX VetConnect Plus now supports additional test categories
    • Phase 1 supported upload of numerical hematology and chemistry test results. This second phase will support upload of parasitology, microbiology, toxicology, serology, immunology, endocrinology, urinalysis and molecular diagnostics such as PCR tests.
    • At this time, we do not have immediate plans to expand this functionality to the other laboratories supported by our Test Result Upload lab integration; the expansion is limited to IDEXX VetConnect Plus clients.
    • ZIMS is integrated with IDEXX VetConnect Plus in Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Nordic countries, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. As IDEXX rolls out VetConnect Plus in other regions, we will work to expand our coverage for those locations as well.
    • With this expansion we are also improving usability, with more informative messages for invalid and failed uploads, smarter defaults for sample type, adding the requisition number to the test result note, and a generic test name for results that ZIMS is unable to process.

ZIMS for Studbooks

Minor bug fixes.

ZIMS Released May 18, 2023

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released May 8, 2023

ZIMS Authentication

  • As we begin to modernize ZIMS and new features are released, users will be moving back and forth between two different applications. Users will not notice this move aside from seeing the URL change between and

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • The Environmental Quality graph export to Excel has been updated to display all measurements for the same date, time and entity on the same row. This feature update makes the export more compact, easier to read, and easier to compare values captured for the same enclosure, life support or component. For more information, see the Environmental Quality graph help document.
  • A new data standard of “live proportion of colony (percent)” has been added in the Lengths grid in the Animal module for Anthozoa and Hydrozoa species, allowing institutions to record the proportion of living tissue in coral colonies.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released December 12, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Species360 has created institutions for the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Vet Advisor program. The program allows members to efficiently share data with active, AZA-approved veterinary advisors for specific taxa so the advisors can access the medical information they require to do their population health assessments. Vet advisors have been approved for their role by AZA and must comply with Species360 data sharing policies and adhere to AZA confidentiality expectations – so sharing data with them via ZIMS is safe and secure. If there is ever a concern, you can remove their access and your shared data will no longer be accessible to them.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released November 28, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Chemical Additions are now included in the Enclosure Activity Report.
  • The Activity Report has been updated to include more detail when viewing rescue accessions.
  • The Daily Report has been updated, and can now be run by “Entered By”, including individual staff or teams.
  • Enclosure notes that are applied to all occupants are now linked with the ‘batch edit’ functionality. Once saved, editing an enclosure note from either the occupant’s notes and observations tab or the enclosure will give you the option to edit the entire batch or split the note.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Quick Split: Medical care for group managed species will have a new option so the veterinary team can indicate that an animal in a group was treated individually.
    • Sometimes, when a veterinarian is treating a group managed species, the medication is administered to all the animals in the group (example: anti-parasite medications in the water to treat all the fish in the enclosure). But some samples and test results, anesthesia records, or surgery reports truly only apply to one specific animal in the group. During that medical intervention, the animal was an individual. In order to better represent that reality, and extract that valuable information for the global medical resources, veterinary teams can now execute a “quick split”. This separates an individual from the group and allows staff to record the necessary notes, prescriptions, sample collection, anesthesia, etc., for that individual and indicate whether the animal was kept separate or returned to the group after the procedure. In essence, this is a quick and easy way to create an incomplete accession from a group.
    • The registrar can then complete the incomplete accession record, revise or add details to ensure the animal inventory is accurate, and merge the animal back to the original group, or keep the animal as an individual. If it remains an individual, it can then be merged to other groups as needed.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp—Quick Splitand ZIMSHelp—Incomplete Accessions
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Label filters:Users can now apply filters for individual animal labels from the following animal lists and tools: Living Animals, All Animals, Pending Updates, Data Quality, Census Report and Graph, Age Structure.
  • View list of animals with labels from Label Management screen:The columns displaying the number of animals assigned to each label in the Label Management screen is now a hyperlink. The user can select that number and navigate to a list of animals with that label.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.


ZIMS Released September 16, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Enclosure water quality:Chemical additions not requiring a prescription can be added to aquatic enclosures from the maintenance and water change grid. Users with role access to ‘maintenance’ will have access to record this data. The chemical addition record can be applied to sub-enclosures as well as connected Life Support Systems. If a note is recorded with the chemical addition, that note can be copied to the enclosure occupants’ records. Chemical additions can also be viewed from the Enclosure Treatment grid, the Environmental Quality graphing tool, and the Daily Report.
    • A list of chemical additions was added with select units of measure. Requests can be made to enhance the list of available chemicals.
    • Additional enhancements to this functionality will be implemented in the future. If you have feedback, please contact
    • For more information: ZIMS Help—Maintenance and Water Changes
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Local Anesthesia summaries:
    • ZIMS has offered a global resource to summarize the most commonly-used injectable anesthetic protocols by taxa since 2016. The global calculations are run regularly to ensure data is refreshed and remains current. There are filters to review trends over time, specific drug combinations, and to factor in health status, fasting duration, activity level, complications, weight, body condition score, and anesthesia event ratings.
    • Based on member feedback, ZIMS can now calculate similar summaries using your local anesthesia records, providing reference for immobilizations at your institution.
    • These calculations are run on demand and take several minutes to complete.
    • The local summaries have the same filter options as the global summaries, but do not require the 10-record minimum that is required for the global summary.
    • Updating Health Status:
      • Enhancements were added to make updating an animal’s Health Status more efficient.
      • Users can now update the current Health Status for an individual while adding a Clinical note. The Health Status on the Clinical Note screen will show the last Health Status entered, so the clinician can elect to leave it the same or change it to reflect the clinical note they are entering.
      • In addition, on the Add/Edit Health Status screen, users can now view a list of an individual’s Active Medical Problems and Procedures.
      • Drug Administration Data Entry-Save and Repeat:
        • When users are entering prescription compliance data from a completed treatment sheet, they can now utilize a Save and Repeat button.
        • This sheet’s data can be added to ZIMS by opening the original prescription and selecting the Administration tab, then Actions, followed by Add New. The user will enter the Date, Time, Success, and Administered By for a dose, then select Save and Repeat.
        • In doing so, the user is allowed to retain these defaults for the next dose, making entering these much faster.
        • Caseload Management Report:
          • We combined the Active Problems and Clinical Signs filters on the Caseload Management Report.
          • This report allows users to generate a list of animals filtered by Active Problems, Health Status, and Active Prescriptions. Previously, users were also able to filter by Active Clinical Signs.
          • Member feedback indicated that Active Problems and Active Clinical Signs were congruent enough to warrant both being assessed within the same filter setting of Active Problems.
          • This requires fewer clicks and effort by the user, prevents redundancy, and generates a more thorough report.
          • This report can be accessed via Medical Reports from the Start Menu or at the top of the Medical Records Dashboard screen within the Medical Reports drop down menu.
          • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.


ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Rearing optional:Rearing is now optional when entering and saving an animal to the studbook. If recording rearing is not important for management of your species, you are no longer required to enter this data in ZIMS. Rearing record pending updates will still populate for animals linked to Husbandry if the institution has entered rearing records; studbook keepers can choose to accept or reject those records.
  • Access label management from Animal Detail screen:A gear icon is available within the basic detail screen by the label feature. Selecting this icon will open the Label Management screen where users can edit and remove studbook labels.
  • Location and local ID populate when manually adding death transaction:When adding a new death transaction event to an animal, the local ID and location will now populate from the previous transaction. This will prevent users from having to re-enter data that is already in the system and save users significant time in recording death transactions.
  • Remove studbook keeper list, chart, and newsfeed:We have replaced the studbook keeper list, chart, and newsfeed features with the studbook module and the global studbook search tool. To prevent duplication of tools and code maintenance we are have removed these legacy features from ZIMS. Please contact your local admin for access to the Global Studbook Search tool or the studbook keeper or studbook admin to gain access to the studbook data.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released September 5, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Label Management Tool:A label management tool on the Tools menu allows users to view a list of all labels (assigned to individuals and managed groups) in the studbook. From here, they can view a count of the number of animals/groups assigned the label (hyperlink to the list of animals in the future), edit existing labels, and delete labels from the studbook.
    • Editing labels will change the label text for all animals currently assigned that label.
    • Deleting a label will remove it from all animals or groups that it is currently assigned.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp—Studbook Labels
  • Seasonality Tool: A new summary within the Reproductive Dashboard displays the number and proportion of births/hatches in each month of the year. Users will be able to filter by location, date, and choose to add offspring with undetermined date estimates.

Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released August 22, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Medical Test Spreadsheet report:
    • We have transitioned this report into a raw excel export. This delivers the data as a single worksheet for each animal organized by test and sample date/time so that clinicians can follow trend lines. The export also includes a single raw data worksheet for all animals selected in the report that may be more suitable for analytics. We hope the two options serve a more broad set of needs for evaluating and analyzing this data.
    • Users can now choose more than one animal to allow comparison across patients or evaluation of taxonomic trends.
    • The individual patient worksheets also include species-level ZIMS global reference intervals for each test/analyte for easy comparison.
    • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released August 8, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Activity Report:now has the option to multi-select from the ‘Entered By’ field
  • Enclosure module:opens to the enclosure tree for easy access to the list of enclosures
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Litter/clutch size tool:A new summary within the Reproductive Dashboard that displays the litter/clutch summary information for the studbook.
    • Filter by location and date and include animals with undetermined birth dates
    • Hover over the bars in the grid to view the total number of litters/clutches and the proportion for each litter/clutch size.
    • Left click and drag within the graph to zoom
    • Export to Excel and PDF.
    • Institutional Holdings date filter:Institutional Holdings report now has a date filter option. This allows users to select an “as of end date” or a date range to view the number of institutions holding animals and the number of animals held at or during that time.
      • When the date range or “as of end date” filter is applied, the list will filter to institutions that held animals during the date range and a new column displays in the Institutional Holdings screen with a header “holdings during the date entered in the filter.” This new column displays the animals held at institutions during or as of the time selected. User can select the hyperlinked number to view a list of animals held by the institution.

Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released July 25, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Completing an incomplete accession- we updated the process to complete an incomplete accession. If the registrar completes an incomplete accession record, they can now take advantage of the data entered by the veterinary team to save time.
    • If the registrar has already accessioned the animal, the option to search for an existing accession still exist.
    • There is a new menu item on the complete an incomplete accession screen that will launch a new accession.
      • The new accession will include defaults for the data entered by the medical team, and the registrar can edit any fields that need correction.
      • When the registrar clicks next, it will save the accession and there is an option to associate it with the incomplete accession records.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Incomplete Accessions
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released July 11, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Measurement templates:Enclosure, Life Support and Component measurement templates now have the option to re-order the entities assigned to the template. This functionality will be added to Animal weight and length templates in the future.
  • Batch actions:were added to Edit fertility status and Update incubation info. Animal feed log now has the option to save & repeat from batch actions.
  • Care & Welfare:data is now available on the Activity report.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Batch Diagnosis/Procedure:
    • Users can choose to enter a diagnosis or procedure on a batch of animals.
    • The user will have the option to update the health status of animals in the batch to align it with the active medical problem if they were previously listed as healthy.
    • These Batch entries can be edited, resolved, or deleted as a batch or one can be selected and edited, resolved or deleted as a single record and then it will exist independent of the other records in the batch. For example, if one animal improves faster than the others, it’s diagnosis record can be resolved and the remainder of the animals in the batch may still have an active diagnosis record.
    • When resolving a diagnosis, users will also have the option to update the health status for any animals in the batch that do not have any other active medical conditions or clinical signs.
    • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Batch add and remove labels:This tool allows the user to assign and remove labels from multiple animals at one time instead of individually.
  • Add column for Regional Association SB IDs to animal lists:A new column option in the studbook animal lists allows users to add regional association studbook IDs to their animal lists. If there are more than one association’s IDs tracked, each association’s IDs will have its own column.
  • Antecedent and descendant pedigree explorer MULT improvements:Improvements to how the MULT animals display in both the antecedent and descendant pedigree explorer tool.
  • Number of institutions and breeding institutions in census report:Two new columns added to the census report that display the number of institutions holding animals at the end of the filter date and the number of institutions that have bred during the census year. These are not hyperlinks, but in the future, we will implement a hyperlink that directs the user a list of the institutions in the Institution Holdings report.

Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released June 13, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Aquarist Daily Log:Now includes the option to record Water Changes. Users can select volume or percent as a default as well as source water type.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • The display for health status has a new plus sign icon that will take the user directly to the add health status screen rather than the health status list view; this will make updating health status more efficient.
  • There are new icons on the accession screen. If user clicks on the blue husbandry icon, it will open the animal details view for that animal, if user clicks on the red medical icon, it will open the medical dashboard with that animal’s record in focus.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Batch add animals to managed group:This tool allows users to assign multiple animals to the same group at one time instead of individually.
  • GAN hyperlink in Animal Lists:In the Animal Lists (living, all, pending updates, and data quality) the GANs have been hyperlinked so the user can quickly access the animal’s Husbandry record.
  • View email in assignments grid:In the assignment grid (within the studbook Overview screen), we have added the email for the users assigned to the studbook.
  • View animals in MULT grouping:Users can now hover over the MULT groupings throughout the studbook to view the potential parents listed in the MULT.

Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released May 31, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Animal Notes and Observations:Users can now select multiple note types and subtypes for each note.
  • Animal Module Column Customization for Egg Data:Columns were added for egg length and width, fertility status, assessment method, incubation, egg result and rearing type
  • Environmental Quality graph:When accessed from an enclosure, the graph now defaults to open with all measurement types used for that enclosure pre-selected
  • Care & Welfare module:
  • When creating a new template or editing an existing template, users can now specify the order of Categories and Indicators
  • Data that is flagged as “out of range” appears in red on the Daily report
  • Additional note types and subtypes can be applied to notes recorded through templates
  • When recording data on a template, the copy button now copies the Indicator value and the associated note to applicable blank rows
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Care and Welfare
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Enhancements to the Calendar:The calendar list view now includes action items, improved visibility to ancillary calendar content, and quick navigation to animal husbandry and medical records. The changes for the calendar in this release support an active rounds/case list for veterinary medical teams, but will support other types of calendar use as well.
  • Calendar List View:
    • The calendar list view now includes these new columns: actions, additional staff, current enclosure, task location. Tasks with multiple animals or additional staff have hover-over displays to provide details for all entities.
    • Users can mark a task as done by checking a box on the list view.
    • Users can hover over the note icon on the calendar list to view the details of the calendar note.
    • Users can now view additional staff, task location, and current enclosure details for a calendar task in the list view.
    • Users can clone an existing calendar task on the list view to quickly schedule a recheck or follow-up task.
    • Users can click a button to quickly review recent medical records if their role includes the right to view medical records.
    • Users can navigate to husbandry or medical records from the calendar list view to efficiently record specific notes or case details when the task is complete.
  • Calendar Tasks:When creating a new calendar task, the date defaults to blank, the time defaults to all day, and the additional staff and task location fields are available for all task types (previously those fields were only available for certain task types).
  • For medical tasks:Users may insert case details such as active problems, active prescriptions, and text from the most recent clinical assessment and plan that have already been captured in clinical notes.
  • Clinical Note Calendar Tasks Tab:Users can now schedule calendar tasks at set intervals from the calendar tasks tab directly from the clinical note data entry screen. When writing up exam findings, the veterinarian can schedule a recheck at set time intervals or define a custom date.
  • Updates to Calendar Search Filters:
  • The Responsible party search filter will return any tasks where the person or team selected is listed as “assigned to” or “additional staff”.
  • The animal lookup is now multi-select
  • The Enclosure search will now return all tasks for that enclosure or its occupants
  • The filter section now collapses to the left to open up screen real estate for the list view.
  • We added an animal and enclosure search filter to the calendar view for consistency between calendar and list views of scheduled tasks.
  • Calendar Preferences:A user’s “My Preferences” menu has a new option for Calendar. This new choice allows users to define their preferred default for the “Assigned to” field. They may choose a person or a team as the default “Assigned to” value to save data entry time when creating new calendar tasks.
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Calendar Features
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Individual animal labels:Users can now add labels to animals within their studbook. Labels are tags or keywords that users can assign to animals to indicate that they possess certain characteristics or criteria. Labels allow you to classify animals more flexibly and informally than User Defined Fields (UDFs). Labels are an easier way to quickly tag an animal with a specific value. For example, I may want to label all animals that should be excluded from breeding or label all animals that should be released. Animals can have many labels and those labels can be added or removed quickly.
  • Export living animal list by institution:Users can now export the living animal list so the animals are grouped by institution. The institution header displays a count of the animals currently held by that institution.
  • Managed Group functionality:This feature allows users to track groups of animals that are currently managed together. In legacy software this functionality was named “social groups” but has been renamed “managed groups” in ZIMS for Studbooks.

ZIMS Released March 7, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Animal Notes and Observations:Users can now select multiple note types and subtypes for each note.
  • Animal Module Column Customization for Egg Data:Columns were added for egg length and width, fertility status, assessment method, incubation, egg result and rearing type
  • Environmental Quality graph:When accessed from an enclosure, the graph now defaults to open with all measurement types used for that enclosure pre-selected
  • Care & Welfare module:
  • When creating a new template or editing an existing template, users can now specify the order of Categories and Indicators
  • Data that is flagged as “out of range” appears in red on the Daily report
  • Additional note types and subtypes can be applied to notes recorded through templates
  • When recording data on a template, the copy button now copies the Indicator value and the associated note to applicable blank rows
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Care and Welfare
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Enhancements to the Calendar:The calendar list view now includes action items, improved visibility to ancillary calendar content, and quick navigation to animal husbandry and medical records. The changes for the calendar in this release support an active rounds/case list for veterinary medical teams, but will support other types of calendar use as well.
  • Calendar List View:
    • The calendar list view now includes these new columns: actions, additional staff, current enclosure, task location. Tasks with multiple animals or additional staff have hover-over displays to provide details for all entities.
    • Users can mark a task as done by checking a box on the list view.
    • Users can hover over the note icon on the calendar list to view the details of the calendar note.
    • Users can now view additional staff, task location, and current enclosure details for a calendar task in the list view.
    • Users can clone an existing calendar task on the list view to quickly schedule a recheck or follow-up task.
    • Users can click a button to quickly review recent medical records if their role includes the right to view medical records.
    • Users can navigate to husbandry or medical records from the calendar list view to efficiently record specific notes or case details when the task is complete.
  • Calendar Tasks:When creating a new calendar task, the date defaults to blank, the time defaults to all day, and the additional staff and task location fields are available for all task types (previously those fields were only available for certain task types).
  • For medical tasks:Users may insert case details such as active problems, active prescriptions, and text from the most recent clinical assessment and plan that have already been captured in clinical notes.
  • Clinical Note Calendar Tasks Tab:Users can now schedule calendar tasks at set intervals from the calendar tasks tab directly from the clinical note data entry screen. When writing up exam findings, the veterinarian can schedule a recheck at set time intervals or define a custom date.
  • Updates to Calendar Search Filters:
  • The Responsible party search filter will return any tasks where the person or team selected is listed as “assigned to” or “additional staff”.
  • The animal lookup is now multi-select
  • The Enclosure search will now return all tasks for that enclosure or its occupants
  • The filter section now collapses to the left to open up screen real estate for the list view.
  • We added an animal and enclosure search filter to the calendar view for consistency between calendar and list views of scheduled tasks.
  • Calendar Preferences:A user’s “My Preferences” menu has a new option for Calendar. This new choice allows users to define their preferred default for the “Assigned to” field. They may choose a person or a team as the default “Assigned to” value to save data entry time when creating new calendar tasks.
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Calendar Features
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Individual animal labels:Users can now add labels to animals within their studbook. Labels are tags or keywords that users can assign to animals to indicate that they possess certain characteristics or criteria. Labels allow you to classify animals more flexibly and informally than User Defined Fields (UDFs). Labels are an easier way to quickly tag an animal with a specific value. For example, I may want to label all animals that should be excluded from breeding or label all animals that should be released. Animals can have many labels and those labels can be added or removed quickly.
  • Export living animal list by institution:Users can now export the living animal list so the animals are grouped by institution. The institution header displays a count of the animals currently held by that institution.
  • Managed Group functionality:This feature allows users to track groups of animals that are currently managed together. In legacy software this functionality was named “social groups” but has been renamed “managed groups” in ZIMS for Studbooks.

ZIMS Released March 7, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Animal Available and Species Wanted:
    • Email notifications will be sent to the contact person listed if a match is added into ZIMS for an Animal Available or Species Wanted.
    • Animals will be auto-removed from the Animals Available list if they have been dispositioned.
    • Hyperlinks have been added to GANs in the Animals Available grid.
    • Transactions:Save & Repeat option is now available for partial disposition transfers to another group. Additional save & repeat options are planned in the coming months.
    • Animal note & observation preferences:
      • Under My Preferences, there is the option to ‘exclude notes recorded from other grids’ so they do not display on the Notes & Observation tab of an animal record. When viewing the animal’s record, there is a checkbox to show if that preference has been enabled. The box can be unchecked to override that preference for the animal in focus.
      • There is also a drop-down menu of note types and subtypes that can be enabled to exclude specified types from displaying on the Notes & Observation tab by default.
      • On the Notes & Observation tab, there is corresponding drop-down menu of note types and subtypes that will show if any defaults have been set and users can also override this preference from an animal’s record.
      • These changes give flexibility for users to decide which note types and subtypes should be displayed by default and per animal record. When recording notes, all note types and subtypes will be available regardless of any preferences set for viewing recorded notes.
      • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Diagnosis and Procedure data entry:
    • We updated the data entry screen for adding a clinical diagnosis or procedure to be more consistent with the pathology “add diagnosis” screens.
    • Users can now enter either a single term diagnosis/procedure (e.g. cough) OR a diagnosis with modifiers (left, forelimb, lameness).
    • Users can still highlight text, right-click it and choose to add a diagnosis and validate the terms and add new terms if they are not already in the validated term dictionary.
    • Tooltip icons explain what is needed for a diagnosis entry to be complete, and clicking on the icon will link the user to the appropriate help document.
    • Necropsy, finalize tab:
      • The finalize tab on the necropsy screen now displays the death date and manner of death. If there is inconsistency between what is entered in the husbandry death transaction compared to the necropsy fields, there is an icon for improved visibility.
      • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released February 7, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Husbandry log templates:
    • When setting up new templates, or adding columns to an existing template, a “Save & Repeat” option has been added to keep the entities selected and allow users to flow through the set-up process with fewer clicks to add record types to the template.
    • A default date range of the last 30 days has been added when viewing saved records. Users can easily change the 30-day range to view data for a different date range as needed.
    • Enrichment module:
      • Multiple enrichment items can be assigned to animals with one click to ‘Select All‘.
      • A comprehensive export is also now available through the Reports menu for Enrichment sessions. Users can analyze the data to determine enrichment successes across taxonomy or a set of animals, over a date range and by collection. While viewing goals, users can see session ratings and if changes were recommended.
      • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Clinical Notes:
    • Users may now clone SOAP and report/examination style clinical notes. This provides an additional method to quickly enter clinical notes with similar details for several animals in series. We anticipate this could be used to efficiently capture details when the procedure notes are similar from one animal to another during a herd or flock round up, or when a single animal is evaluated serially using the same diagnostics or treatment methods. Your medical team may consider using this when templates or batch notes are not meeting their needs.
    • Diagnosis and Procedures:
      • Clinical signs can now be marked as unresolvable. Previously this flag was only available for medical condition/syndrome/disorder records. This flag can be used when a clinical sign is not expected to resolve, but when the underlying etiology has not or could not be confirmed.
    • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Reproductive Tools:These new tools can be turned on by the studbook administrator. If you do not see the Reproductive tools in the Tools menu, contact your studbook administrator.
    • Reproductive Dashboard:
      • Age summary graph:displays the youngest/oldest and mean/median ages at first/last reproduction and breeding span for males and females. Filters can be applied to graph to view a subset of data. Export graph.
      • List of all reproductive events:Displays a list of all reproductive events with detailed information such as: parents, sire/dam age at birth, number of offspring in litter/clutch, and interbirth/hatch interval. List sorts based on filters applied. Export list of reproductive events.
      • List of all breeders and living breeders:a list of all animals in the population that have produced at least one offspring. These lists display additional information about each individual’s reproductive history (list of mates, number of litters, age at first reproduction, etc.) to assist studbook keepers in managing breeding recommendations.

Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released January 24, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Pedigree Explorer tool:A visual pedigree tool is now available within the antecedent and descendant pedigree tools. Users can choose the “Explorer” button displayed in the antecedent or descendant list to view a detailed pedigree diagram.
    • Hover over an animal’s studbook number in the graphic to view basic information such as birth date, location, and parents.
    • Double click an ID in the graphic to view a branch of the pedigree
    • Drag an ID to reposition the graph
    • Export to PNG, JPEG, PDF
    • Reproductive statistics columns added to column customization:As part of the soon to be released Reproductive Dashboard tool, columns are now available to add to Animal Lists (living, all, data quality, pending update lists) in the studbook. Columns include:
      • Offspring:Total number of offspring the animal has produced. If the animal has not successfully reproduced this column will be blank.
      • Living offspring:Total number of currently living offspring produced by the animal. If the animal has not successfully reproduced this column will be blank.
      • Total litters/clutches: Total number of litters/clutches produced by the animal.
      • Known mates:Number of mates with which the focal animal has successfully produced offspring. This number does not include UND, WILD, MULT animals.
      • First birth/hatch:Displays the age at first birth/hatch for females and the age at first estimated conception for males.
      • Recent birth/hatch:Displays the birth/hatch date for females and estimated contraception date for male of the most recent offspring.
      • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.


ZIMS Released January 10, 2022

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Column customization: Columns for search results, animal lists and enclosure occupants can now be populated for all logical and physical identifiers as well as Nest ID.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released December 13, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • ZIMS login screen: Ailurus fulgens / Red panda. Photo credit: © Joel Sartore 2021
  • Care & Welfare data is now included in the Daily Report.
  • Animal Search result screens have the column customization option to include some Length measurements. More column customization options coming in the future!
  • Enrichment: When recording enrichment sessions, there is now the option to assign a goal to the session.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released November 29, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Care & Welfare module: Indicator definitions are available as hover-overs when recording data on a template and when configuring new templates.
  • Animal Graphing Tool: Search functionality is enabled
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Medical Preferences: Users can now set an institutional preference or a personal preference for the medical dashboard to display either the scientific name or the common name. The default is common name, so is you prefer to view the scientific name you may update your preference.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released November 15, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Enclosure search now includes the option to include all levels of sub-enclosures below the selected enclosure.
  • Care & Welfare Indicator: specific notes can be viewed from the Chart List view hover-over note icons.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Accept and/or reject all taxonomy pending updates:Users can now accept or reject all pending taxonomy updates for all animals within the studbook. This feature is especially helpful for users with many pending taxonomy updates due to migration or a taxon change in ZIMS. Please see the training materials for more information on this feature.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released November 1, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Clutch/Litter ID search by taxonomy now has the option to include taxonomy below selected level
  • Aquarist daily log, Environmental measurements, and animal measurement templates now tab past defaulted UOM fields making data entry even quicker!
  • Care & Welfare:
    • Indicator list now has the option to export to Excel and PDF
    • Link to access the module is available from the Manage Templates screen
    • Institution Preference added to display Care & Welfare notes in the husbandry record. To enable this feature, go to Institution Preferences > Change Application Settings
      • If feature is turned On – Notes recorded through Care & Welfare display in the animal’s notes & observation tab and on reports including Daily, Activity, Specimen, Note Retrieval, Loan and Taxon reports.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Care & Welfare
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Carcass disposition has been added to the finalize tab of the necropsy record. This field was previously only available as part of the death transaction; now the veterinary team can update carcass disposition while entering the necropsy data.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released October 18, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Care & Welfare module Template Sharing:The Care and Welfare module is now offering the option to share templates between institutions! This functionality will be crucial for standardized data collection between institutions. Regional associations, research projects cross-institution, etc. can take advantage of the option to create a taxonomy based template using locally created indicators and share the template globally. Other institutions can accept the template and it will auto-populate the animals of that taxa currently held by that institution onto the template.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Care & Welfare

ZIMS for Medical

  • The Medical Dashboard Basic Info panel has been updatedso when Medical Alert clinical notes are entered they are more prominent/visible.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Medical Dashboard basic information

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • UDF and taxonomy filters added to Age Structure:Users can filter the structure by one or more of these filters.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Age Structure

ZIMS Released October 4, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Care and Welfare module enhancements
    • On the Template list screen, there is now a column to view the Last Assessed Date.
    • Users now have the option to Clone templates from the Template list screen.
    • Animal Weights, Body Condition Score and Health Status can be included on the data export for users with role rights to those record types.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Care & Welfare
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • The Medical Dashboard Basic Info panel has been updatedto display the Local ID, House name, transponders and physical identifiers. Additional identifiers are still just a click away.
  • The Diagnosis & Procedure dashboard search has been updated.The first search field is an “OR” search so users can enter multiple terms or term groups from the dictionary to broaden searches. The second search field allows users to link terms together to add refinement in the search. For example: using the terms “air sac”, “air sacculitis”, “respiratory disease”, “pneumonia”, bronchitis, in the first field would cast a broad net for respiratory illness in a specific taxon group. And entering term group “Neoplasia (164 terms)” in the first field and anatomic site “Liver” in the second field would yield a list of any type of neoplasia recorded for a specific organ.
  • The Test Result Upload validation screen now allows users to update the responsible clinician for each set of patient results.This will utilize the default user preferences for responsible party, but can be updated on the data validation screen when uploading results for multi-doctor practices. The responsible party chosen for each set of results is used to organize results that are pending doctor review in the custom search button within the test and results search panel.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • UDF filter added to Institutional Holdings:Users can filter the Institutional Holdings report by UDF in addition to the institution and taxonomy filter already present in the tool.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.


ZIMS Released September 20, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Diagnosis/Procedures Improvements:
    • The Diagnosis/Procedure simple and advanced search filter panels have been combined into one panel for improved usability.
    • The Add Diagnosis field, which validates pathology diagnosis text against the ZIMS term dictionary, now supports additional punctuation characters (colon, semi colon, period, parenthesis, etc.) to parse the text. This should improve the success of the validation for more writing styles and conventions, particularly when cutting and pasting from a pathology report into the ZIMS add diagnosis screen.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Diagnosis & Procedures
  • MedARKS Migration:
    • Four more institutions have migrated their final MedARKS sample storage data into ZIMS.
    • Thus far, we have completed migration for 6 institutions and we have 38 remaining.
    • If you were a MedARKS user, please respond to s360 Member Support staff inquiries regarding your migration no later than December 31, 2021.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Age Structure Improvements:
    • Institution Filter:Ability to filter the age structure by a location, institution, or regional association.
    • Add ability to display by breeder:View which animals in the structure have or have not produced offspring.
    • For more information:ZIMSHelp – Age Structure
  • Taxonomy filter added to Institutional Holdings:Users can now filter the Institution Holdings report by taxonomy in addition to the institution filter that already existed.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released September 6, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • New feature! Survival, Reproduction & Growth Report:This resource provides a species-level, global-level summary of survival probability, remaining life expectancy, average offspring per year as a function of age and sex, expected number of offspring per birth event (litter size), reproductive lifespan, birthing events by month of the year (seasonality) and body weight by age and sex (growth curves).
    • Reports are currently available for mammal species. The Conservation Science Alliance is working on reports for additional taxa.
    • The feature is available in the Local Admin (Species360) and User (Species360) roles.
    • The feature can be assigned to custom roles through manage Role Access > Global Reports & Tools.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Survival, Reproduction and Growth Reports
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released August 23, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics
  • ZIMS login screen:Photo Credit: The image of Anaxyrus houstonensis (Houston toad) is provided by member Houston Zoo. “The zoo maintains a 1,200 square foot Houston toad quarantine facility that serves as a location for the captive breeding and head starting of wild Houston toad egg strands for release into the wild. This facility is managed by two full-time Houston toad specialists who care for the toads and work closely with the program partners in the breed-and-release efforts.” Read more at Houston Zoo and watch for news on this and other Species360 members at our blog.
  • ZIMS desktop screen:Photo Credit, Houston Toad, ©Joel Sartore/ National Geographic Photo Ark. This is the first of images by Joel to be featured in the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS). We are grateful to Joel, founder of the Photo Ark, and his team for their work on the 25-year documentary project to save species and habitat. Many of our member institutions have hosted Joel in his work to photograph the species in their care.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.
ZIMS for Medical
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes
ZIMS for Studbooks
  • Improvements to how the system calculates data quality errors:Previously, data quality checks ran after a record was changed as the user hit save. However, for some studbooks with unconventional or complex data, the data quality checks significantly slowed the saving of records.
    • We removed the data quality checks from the saving process. This allows users to save the animal record quickly and continue to work on their studbook while the data quality checks continue to run in the background.
    • Users will see the animals that have data quality checks calculating. Only animals impacted by the edited transactions will show as calculating. Users can continue to work and make edits while the calculations are processing.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Studbook Data Quality
  • Users can now make assignments within the studbook:Currently only the regional association can assign access to the studbook. This new feature allows studbook users to assign specific roles within the studbook which have been designated by the regional association/institution.
      • The regional association/institution administrator can determine which roles within their region should be assigned by users within the studbook module in the Studbook Roles box.
      • Within role control, the regional/institution administrator can determine which roles can make assignments with the studbook. The studbook assignments functionality will determine access to this tool; administrators can assign search/view (view the studbook assignments), add, edit, delete actions.
    • Once role access has been assigned, the users with access to the functionality can take action within the studbook Overview screen within the Studbook Assignments grid.

  • Age Structure Improvements:
    • Click age group to view animal list:Select the age group to view the animals that are within that age class (similar to the census report tool).
    • Filter for undetermined age estimate animals:To make this tool consistent with the census report we added the option for users to choose to include or exclude animals with undetermined birth date estimates. By default, animals with undetermined age estimates will be excluded.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Age Structure
  • PMx “apply demographic filters to all filters” button: The “apply demographic filters to all filters” button has been moved into the demographic selection box.
  • Removed rules around reusing a previously deleted studbook ID:
    • Historically, if users deleted or made a mistake when assigning a studbook ID for an animal in the studbook, they could not reuse the studbook ID for another animal in the future. This rule has been removed and users can now reuse studbook IDs that were previously deleted. As long as the ID is not currently active as a studbook ID the user will be able to assign it to an animal.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released August 9, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Care and Welfare module:Users can now select which animal identifiers to display in templates.
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Care and Welfare
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • MedARKS Migration:
    • Two institutions have migrated their final MedARKS sample storage data into ZIMS. Thus far, we have 44 institutions total to migrate.
    • If you were a MedARKS user, please respond to Species360 Member Support inquiries regarding your migration no later than December 31, 2021.
  • Test result Upload:The sample look up screen will now include the additive/preservative details for collected samples. This should make it easier to choose the correct sample to link imported test results.
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Test Upload
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Undo dismissed data quality error:Users can now “undo” dismissing a data quality error in the Data Entry Monitoring tool.
  • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Data Entry Monitor
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released July 26, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics
  • Husbandry Log Templates
    • Added Ctrl and arrow functionality for easier navigation when recording data on a template. Clicking the Ctrl button and any of the arrow keys will move the cursor into the next field based on which arrow is selected. Date fields and note text fields are not included with this functionality.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.
ZIMS for Medical
  • The Test Result Upload feature is now integrated with Antech Diagnostics.
    • We now support 4 diagnostic laboratories with this feature: Antech Diagnostics, Gribbles Australia, Gribbles New Zealand, and IDEXX VetConnectPlus.
    • Test Result Upload allows you to import numerical hematology and chemistry test results into ZIMS, link the results to a sample and upload them into a Test & Results record for that patient.
    • This feature should save you data entry time and support continued growth of the Global Expected Test Results resource.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes
ZIMS for Studbooks
  • Ability to Add/Edit/Delete Regional/International Studbook IDs in Identifier Grid
    • Users are now able to add/edit/delete regional association/international studbook IDs that are unrelated to the studbook. For example, if a ZAA studbook keeper wanted to add a WAZA SB ID to the studbook this would allow them to add the ID and later edit it if they added the incorrect number. Users cannot edit the permanent studbook ID for the animal; this ID will display in the identifier grid in italics.
  • User can export on PMx/XML export at a time
    • To improve processing speed, users can now export one PMx and one XML export per studbook at a time. Once the export has completed and downloaded, the user can run another export. If a user has multiple studbooks, each studbook can have a PMx/XML export running at the same time.
  • Notification that PMx/XML export are running
    • To improve processing speed, users can now export one PMx and one XML export per studbook at a time. Once the export has completed and downloaded, the user can run another export. If a user has multiple studbooks, each studbook can have a PMx/XML export running at the same time.

ZIMS Released July 12, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • MedARKS Sample Storage Migration
    • We are working on the framework for migrating sample storage data into ZIMS.
    • If you used the sample storage module in MedARKS, please contact support@species360.orgfor more information about how to have your sample storage data migrated into ZIMS.
    • Please note: you have until the end of 2021 to respond if you want your data migrated. After that, MedARKS migration support will no longer be available.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released June 14, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Security Features
    • Option to show password on all password screens
    • Institution preference to set minimum password requirements
    • Institution preference to set password expiration
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Preferences
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • MedARKS Sample Storage Migration
    • We are working on the framework for migrating sample storage data into ZIMS.
    • If you used the sample storage module in MedARKS, please contact support@species360.orgfor more information about how to have your sample storage data migrated into ZIMS.
    • Please note: you have until the end of 2021 to respond if you want your data migrated. After that, MedARKS migration support will no longer be available.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released May 31, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Daily Report
    • Now includes Animal, Life Support and Component checklist items that were recorded through husbandry log templates
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Daily Report
  • Usability enhancements
    • Added option to search Institutions by Global/regional association
    • Added institution multi-select for external sharing
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – External Sharing
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • MedARKS Sample Storage Migration
    • We are working on the framework for migrating sample storage data into ZIMS.
    • If you used the sample storage module in MedARKS, please contact support@species360.orgfor more information about how to have your sample storage data migrated into ZIMS.
    • Please note: you have until the end of 2021 to respond if you want your data migrated. After that, MedARKS migration support will no longer be available.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released May 17, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Husbandry Log Template enhancements
    • Animal – Add multiple feed log rows per column (member request#113787)
    • Enclosure – Add multiple feed log rows per column
    • Enclosure – Add multiple water quality/environmental measurements per column
    • Search functionality enabled through the magnifying glass search for animals, enclosures, life support and components
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Husbandry Log Template
  • Daily Report
    • Now includes Enclosure checklist items that were recorded through husbandry log templates
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Daily Report
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • MedARKS Sample Storage Migration
    • We are working on the framework for migrating sample storage data into ZIMS.
    • If you used the sample storage module in MedARKS, please contact support@species360.orgfor more information about how to have your sample storage data migrated into ZIMS.
    • Please note: you have until the end of 2021 to respond if you want your data migrated. After that, MedARKS migration support will no longer be available.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released March – April 19, 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Edit batch functionality(Member request #8782)
    • Users now have the option to perform a batch edit for notes, observations, training sessions and enrichment sessions
    • Batch Provisional notes and observations can be edited before approval
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Provisional Data Entry
  • Target Weight Range enhancements
    • TWR is available on the Animal graphing tool, Activity report and Daily report
    • Multi-select animals to assign to a TWR template
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Target Weight Range
  • Multi-select animals for external sharing(Member request #8046)
  • Husbandry Log Template enhancements(Member request #127687)
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Sample set: this functionality makes it more efficient to create samples in ZIMS for Medical.
    • When we collected blood from an animal, we often transfer it into multiple blood tubes. We submit the whole blood for hematology testing, and the serum and/or plasma for chemistry/fluid analysis. That represents 2 to 3 samples for each syringe of blood drawn from an animal.
    • Now, when you create a whole blood, serum, or plasma sample in ZIMS for medical, there will be check boxes to record additional blood tubes. With minimal effort, you will be able to create the set of samples with the same fasting duration, activity level, and restraint information.
    • Once samples are created, you can enter the appropriate test results for each sample type or move them into storage.
    • This functionality is available when you create samples from the ZIMS for Medical Dashboard, the Sample Storage module, and the Test Result Upload feature.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Sample Set
  • Test Result upload: Retain the last lab used
    • If you import data from a specific laboratory using the Test Result Upload feature, we anticipate you will want to use that lab again the next time you upload results.
    • To make navigation easier and save you time, ZIMS will remember the last lab used for data upload, and default to that lab at next login.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Test Upload
  • MedARKS Sample Storage Migration
    • We are working on the framework for migrating sample storage data into ZIMS.
    • If you used the sample storage module in MedARKS, please contact for more information about how to have your sample storage data migrated into ZIMS.
    • Please note: you have until the end of 2021 to respond if you want your data migrated. After that, MedARKS migration support will no longer be available.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released February 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Target Weight Range
    • Users with access to Measurement Range Templates can assign target weight ranges to individuals and eggs.
    • Out of range measurements are flagged in the animal record and weights export.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Adding Weights
  • Column Customization
  • Save & Repeat
    • Implemented for Aquarist Daily Log, Animal Lengths/Weights and Enclosure/Life Support/Component Measurements.
  • Enrichment Assignments
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Sample Storage
    • When viewing the storage location tree view (perhaps when moving a sample into storage, or selecting a storage location in the manage stored samples search filter), you may now double click on the location to select it. This reduces scrolling to click the select button when you choose a storage location from a long list.
    • When you view your collected samples, there is now a double arrow icon present next to any sample that has been shared with a global/regional consortium such as the EAZA Biobank. This provides better visibility to the externally shared samples in ZIMS.
    • For more information: ZIMSHelp – Sample Storage
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released January 2021

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Physiological Measurement Panel Save and Repeat button
    • This is a new button on the existing Physiological Measurement panel data entry screen.
    • Clicking this button will retain the date, restraint type, test methodology and anatomic site from the previous entry.
    • For more information on creating Physiological Measurement panels, please see our training document: ZIMSHELP-Medical.physiologicalmeasurements.pdf
  • Batch share collected samples– when an institution needs to share sample collection details, for example with the EAZA Biobank, they may now select multiple samples from the Collected Samples grid in the Sample Storage Module and share them as a batch. All samples in the batch will be shared with the same institution.
    • Navigate to the Sample Storage Module and click the tile to “Place Samples into Storage”.
    • Use the search filters to generate a list of samples and then select the samples you have sent to the Biobank.
    • Click the menu item to “Share these samples” and then choose an institution or view your default preference.
    • Click save and the batch of samples will have sharing turned on to the institution you selected.
    • For more details please see our training document: ZIMSHelp-Biobank-BatchSampleSharing.pdf
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Undetermined birth date estimates for HYP animals:All HYPS created in the studbook now have an undetermined birth date by default.
  • Export Global Studbook Search List:Users can now export the full or filtered studbook list to PDF and Excel.
  • Select multiple sex types in Animal List filters:Users can now choose more than one sex type when filtering the animal lists (similar to taxonomy and status filters).
  • Add ZIMS institution column to Institutional Holdings Report:Feedback from users has indicated that it’s difficult to quickly determine which institutions are ZIMS members (animals receiving automatic updates in ZIMS) and which ones are not (have to contact institution for animal updates).
    • We have added a column to the Institution Holdings report that indicates if the institution is currently using ZIMS for record management. From this report, users can quickly navigate to the list of animals held by those institutions. This allows the Institution Holdings tool to assist users in identifying which institutions you need to reach out to for updated taxon reports.
  • Export of full user list for regional associations/institutions:Regional association administrators can now export a full user list for all studbooks within their region or for a filtered list of studbooks.
    • Choosing the “display archived” studbooks filter will add the archived studbooks to the export with an archived studbook column to identify the archived studbooks.
  • Age Structure:A basic age structure tool is now available in the tool menu. It displays all currently living animals with undetermined/other animals split between male and female.
    • This is a new tool and is under role control. If you do not have access contact your regional association or institutional studbook administrator.
    • Hover over the age group bar to see a total count and breakdown of sex types.
    • Filters and additional features planned in the future.
    • User can click and drag vertically to zoom into the structure (similar functionality as census graph).
    • Export to JPEG, PNG, and PDF available.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released December 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project
    • This feature enables medical users to import results from supported laboratories and instruments, link them to the correct patient sample, and upload directly into ZIMS.
    • Species360 has added support for results delivered via e-mail from Gribbles Labs in Australia, and results uploaded from a TXT file from Gribbles New Zealand.
  • Minor bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Global Studbook Search Tool:
    • Freeze header: The header bar is now frozen so it stays in context while scrolling through the list.
    • Current Holders: The number of current institutions holding animals in the studbook is now displayed in the list and hyperlink pop-up.
    • “Taxonomy held by” option added to filter: This new filter allows the user to filter the results to show all studbooks that match the taxonomy currently held by the selected institution.
      • For example: User entered “Aves” and “MINNESOTA” into the filter – the results will be all bird studbooks that match a species currently held by MINNESOTA.
    • “Staff at institution” option added to filter: This new filter allows the user to filter the results to show all the studbooks that have a staff member assigned to the studbook.
      • For example: User enters “studbook keeper” and “MINNESOTA” into the filter – the results will be studbooks with studbook keepers at MINNESOTA.
        • If the user just enters MINNESOTA into the filter – the results will display all studbooks that have anyone at MINNESOTA assigned.
      • You can combine these two new filters to see the animals that are held by the institution and also have someone at the institution assigned to the studbook.
    • Archive/Unarchive a studbook: Regional associations/institutions now have a way to mark a studbook that is no longer being managed or in use. Option for regional and institutional admins is in the Studbook List.
    • Unknown pedigree report performance improvements:
      • For any animal in the unknown pedigree report with more than 50 descendants (living or dead) the system will now load the studbook animal and a spinner will display in the number of living descendants column until the system has finished the calculation. This will allow the report to run more quickly for studbooks with a large amount of unknown pedigree.
    • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released November 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project
    • This feature enables medical users to import results from supported laboratories and instruments, link them to the correct patient sample, and upload directly into ZIMS.
    • As the first supported laboratory, Species360 has integrated IDEXX VetConnect PLUS® with ZIMS for Medical.
    • There is a new menu item for users with a test result role to import the results.
    • Once saved, the results are visible in the patient’s medical record.
    • Uploaded results maintain the data quality and test naming standards that allow Species360 to calculate global reference intervals for over 1100 species.
    • Test Result Upload will make data entry more efficient and accurate, saving you time, and making it easier for you to contribute data to the Global Expected Test Results.
  • Minor bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • In Situ Improvements: LTF, return from LTF, and death transactions can now occur at geolocations.
  • Delete local institution: Users can now delete a local institution that has been migrated or created by the user in ZIMS.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.
  • Notification that a studbook animal is already linked in Suggested List: A “!” notification has been added next to SB IDs in the Suggested List and Suggested Animal Detail screen for animals that are already linked to GANS.
    • Hover over the “!” and it identifies which GAN the studbook ID is currently linked to.
  • Adding local ID options for recapture/release to wild transactions: Users can now enter a local ID for recapture or released transactions (optional).
  • Census Report and Graph Enhancements: Based on feedback from users after the release of the combined census report/graph earlier this year:
    • Birth Type breakdown by sex type: Birth type is now broken down by (male.female.undetermined).
    • Selecting graph takes you to list of animals: Similar to the hyperlinks in the raw data, when you are in the graph you are now able to select the bars within the graph to navigate to the list of animals being counted.
    • Lock year column: The year column is now locked by default when you scroll across the screen, you can also choose to lock additional columns.

ZIMS Released October 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project– continued progress on this project.
  • Minor bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • XML export available in the Tools Bar: The ability to download the full studbook data in XML format in the studbook Tools bar is now available. Regional associations can turn this feature on for Studbook Keepers.
  • Global Studbook Search Tool:The first version of this tool is now available and role access can be given by your regional association or local admin.
    • If the tool has been assigned to a user, it will display under the studbook module and under the global resources – Start > Studbooks > Global Studbook Search Tool or Start > Global Resources > Animal Management/Husbandry > Global Studbook Search Tool
    • The tool allows users to view the studbooks that are currently managed in ZIMS and apply taxonomy, scope (regional association or institution), and user assigned filters to the list.
    • Currently, the tool opens to an empty screen – if you hit the search button with no search fields it will populate all the studbooks managed in ZIMS.
    • Users can also select the studbook name to open a pop-up window that outlines the taxonomy managed and the users assigned to the studbook.
    • Additional features to this tool will be released in the coming months.
  • In situ animals display on living list: Now all animals with a status of alive will display on the living list. If the studbook maintains animals in captivity and in the wild, they can they can apply a location filter to the living list to see the subsets of animals.
  • Add note to data quality error: Users can now add a note to a data quality error within the data quality list. Users can add notes to active or dismissed data quality errors. The note also displays in the animal note grid in the animal detail screen.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released September 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor Enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project– continued progress on this project.
  • Launched pilot program for members to voluntarily share data with EEP/SSP vet advisors.
  • Minor bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Taxonomy filter added to PMx export:A taxonomy filter (can select one or more taxon) has been added to the PMx export screen for demographics, genetics, and census export. The export uses the most recent taxonomy assigned to the animal to determine the selections in the export (if the animal has been assigned more than one taxon historically).
  • Overlay Export:This new feature is available in the overlay management screen. Users can export the overlay to Excel or PDF. The export displays HYP animals and the studbook animals that have been edited in the overlay. The master record (the record in the studbook prior to edit in the overlay) and the overlay record are both displayed in the report.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.


ZIMS Released August 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor Enhancements and bug fixes including but not limited to:
    • Implementing a business rule for enrichment items marked as Inactive, no sessions or assignments can be added.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project– continued progress on this project.
  • Minor bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Institution studbooks:Functionality is now in place that allows our member institutions to migrate and create studbooks for species they manage. If your institution manages a studbook locally and would like to migrate it to ZIMS for Studbooks, please contact for next steps.
  • Batch add animals to studbook:Users can now choose to “batch add” up to 50 animals to the studbook at one time from any draft animal screen (from Suggested List or manually added). Users have the option to define local ID and sex type for the batch animals and all other records from the draft animal will automatically populate for the batch added animals.
    • This was the highest voted for Studbooks feature in our Suggest Feature tool.
  • PMx Export improvements for in situ animals:A checkbox has been added that allows users to include in situ animals into their PMx analysis. When the box is left unchecked, the in situ animals will be treated as LTF and not included in the managed population. If the box is checked, the in situ animals will be included in the analytics and managed population (if they meet other filter criteria).
  • Select multiple taxonomy in census report filter:Users can now choose more than one taxonomy from when filtering the census report.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released July 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor Enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project– continued progress on this project.
  • EAZA Biobank- feature is live in ZIMS!
    • We are excited to partner with the EAZA Biobank to offer new functionality in ZIMS!
    • The EAZA Biobank has 4 hubs, each of which serve as a long term, secure storage location for samples collected from animals housed in zoos across Europe. These samples represent an optimally maintained repository that will serve as the primary source of genetic material for population management and conservation research for EAZA.
    • The Biobank staff have been maintaining spreadsheets of data related to the animals, the samples, and the storage details. In those sheets, they had to re-enter animal and sample data that was already in ZIMS. Moving forward, EAZA Biobank will use ZIMS as their data management solution, saving time and improving data quality for the thousands of samples in their hubs.
    • For this project, Species360 created a new institution category in ZIMS called a Global Regional Consortium. These institutions do not hold or own animals, but manage data from animals housed at Species360 member institutions.
    • When an EAZA Biobank hub receives a sample from an authorizing institution that has not been already been entered into ZIMS for Medical, the staff will be able to create that sample record on behalf of the submitter. The record will automatically be shared with the institution who submitted it (the source institution) and it will display in the correct animal’s medical history. If an institution would like to opt out, they may contact Species360 member support and request to be removed from the authorizing institution list. Opting out will mean that EAZA Biobank cannot enter sample records on their behalf. Those samples will then be created as an incomplete accession so the Biobank can still track their storage details.
    • If the submitting institution has already entered the sample into ZIMS for Medical to record tests and results or other data, there is a new button available on the sample record to “Share this record”. Clicking it will launch a screen to turn on external sharing for that single sample record, making it visible to the Biobank.
    • There is also an institutional preference to EAZA.Biobank as the default institution for single record sharing. Doing so allows a member to turn on sharing for a sample record with just 2 clicks.
  • Sample storage- institution preference to disable the default for last storage location used.
    • When placing samples into storage, there is a preference to default to the last storage location used. For many users, this will save them data entry time, as many of us continue to fill a gridded box until it is full, and then move on to a new box. However, for teams filling multiple locations simultaneously, or members doing historical data entry, this default may not always save them time. We added an institution medical preference to disable the default.
  • Minor bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released June 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Provisional data:When Approving Provisional data, on most record types there is now the option to Save & Approve from the expanded note icon for the record. Many record types also now have an option to Edit the record before approval. If a provisional record is Edited before Approval, the original record displays on the Provisional Approved tab and the Edited record displays in regular Data Entry Monitoring. (This functionality is still under development and more record types will have this new feature added in the future.)
  • Accredited checkbox:Regional Associations now have the ability to mark member institutions as Accredited. The list of Accredited members can be exported from the Association Members grid of an associations Institution page. The list of accredited members is also being shared with Expedia.
  • Minor Enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project- continued progress on this project.
  • EAZA Biobank- continued progress on this project.
  • Minor Enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Census Report and Graph tools combined:The census report, census detail report, and census graph have been combined into one tool named “Census Report and Graph” under the tools menu.
    • The new report contains all of the raw data calculations as well as the visual graph. Users can choose to run the graph or report from the filter screen and once it is created there is a button in the report to view toggle between the raw data and the graph so there is no need to re-run the filters.
    • Training materials for this tool have been updated in the Studbook Index – be sure to check out the video.
  • Accepting Local Institutions from Husbandry improvements:Now when accepting a transaction that includes a local institution defined by Husbandry, the system gives a warning to the studbooks user. The local Husbandry institution cannot be added to the studbook through the transaction, but the studbook user can add it manually to their local institution list.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.

ZIMS Released May 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project- continued progress on this project.
  • EAZA Biobank- continued progress on this project, started to gather user feedback in a test environment.
  • Minor bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Hyperlink GAN in Animal Detail Screen:
    • Users can now select the GAN in the studbook animal detail screen to open the Husbandry module (if they have access granted by institution) and view the Husbandry animal data.
  • Change to non-ZIMS parent pending updates:
    • Non-ZIMS parents that cannot be linked to an animal in the studbook will no longer display as a pending update during migration or after migration. This will decrease the number of pending updates for most studbooks.

ZIMS Released April 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes, including but not limited to:
    • Format Care & Welfare note field to match husbandry log template note field
    • Include Care & Welfare notes in the Care & Welfare export
    • Include Clutch/Litter ID on split individuals
    • Save & Repeat option implemented on Add New Permit and Assign Permit

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project- continued progress on this project
  • EAZA Biobank- Started code development for this project
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes, including but not limited to:
    • Search by taxonomy is now available in all animal look up fields in ZIMS for Medical. If you are looking up a patient from the medical dashboard, you may enter the taxonomy into the type ahead field and produce a list of local animals to choose from. In the original release of ZIMS for Medical, this functionality was limited to the medical searches for each record type. Now it is also available from the dashboard, medical reports, and sample storage.
    • Pathology updates:
      • To improve user experience, we revised the rules that trigger the possible duplicate sample warning for tissue samples. The warning should be less frequent with this update.
      • The samples tab on the necropsy screen has been reorganized to better accommodate the list of stored samples generated during necropsy. From this tab users can generate a list of samples to place into storage, view, edit and delete those stored records. The stored sample list is separated from the samples collected for testing.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Census Graph:Census detail options added to the graphing tool. This includes: births, deaths, enters, exits, LTF, return LTF, release, recapture – these all display stacked, the animals that come into the population in one bar and the animals leaving the population in another.
    • Transfers are also available in the graph, displayed as another bar.
    • Select a line or bar to see the breakdown of sex types.
    • You can click on the legend to display or hide any of the values.
  • Data entry monitoring:Non-Species360 members can now see DEM for their studbooks when given access by their regional association.
  • Displaying Linked Identifiers:Users can now see which linking criteria identifiers (local ID/mnemonic, transponder, SB ID) were used to link the studbook and Husbandry animal. A pop-up of the link criteria identifiers (local ID/mnemonic, transponder, SB ID) displays when the user hoovers over the GAN in the basic information screen.
  • Compare tool improvements:We recently implemented the ability for users to compare Husbandry animals in the Animal Compare tool as well as Studbook animals. Since this has been out, we have received feedback that it is difficult to easily see if users are viewing Husbandry or Studbook animals since there is no visual differentiation. Some small changes have been made to visually display the two types of animals differently to the users to make this tool more useful when comparing animals to determine links or duplicates.
    • Frozen the header bar so users can always see it GAN/SB ID selected.
    • Added “Studbook Animal” and “Suggested Animal” text to the frozen header bar.
    • Studbook animals are now light blue and Husbandry animals are dark blue in color.
  • Institutional Holdings Location filter:Adding location filter to the institutional holdings report.

ZIMS Released March 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes, including but not limited to:
    • Assign multiple enrichment items
    • Change name of Animal Event location grid to: Birth/Hatch Date and Event Locations

ZIMS for Medical

  • Test Result Upload Project- continuing to make progress with this project
  • EAZA Biobank- Began design work and detailed planning for this feature.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes, including but not limited to:
    • Sample Storage:
      • The ability to update sample quality information when moving a serum or plasma sample into storage.
      • After release, members reported several different strategies to organize gridded boxes. Based on that feedback, sample storage now supports more naming conventions for gridded boxes.
      • Users now can click a button to view the current and historical contents of a grid space to better understand what samples have been held in that location over time.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Studbook ID automatically displaying in Husbandry animal identifier grid:This is a highly requested feature by Studbooks and Husbandry users. After implementation, all Husbandry animals that are linked to an animal within a studbook will now automatically display the Studbook ID in the identifier grid as a global identifier. If a studbook animal is unlinked or deleted in the studbook, then the identifier will be removed from the Husbandry grid.
    • This feature will greatly improve efficiency and save time for both registrars and studbook keepers in the future since they will no longer need to communicate new studbook IDs or manually add them into the animal records.
  • Filters displayed in exports:The filters selected in animal lists will now display in the excel and PDF exports in the headings. This will allow users who have created multiple exports to easily differentiate reports.
  • PMx export performance improvements:Shortened wait time for PMx export with the new download.
  • Census Graph:The first version of the census graph will now be available (in tools). If regional association has granted the user access to the census report, the user will automatically see the census graph. See video pop-up in ZIMS for demo.
    • The graph can be filtered similar to the report by date, location, UDF, and taxonomy. Filters are displayed at the top of the graph.
    • Currently the graph can be broken down by sex or birth type by using the toggle at the bottom of the tool.
    • Users can zoom in to see a specific date range on the graph by clicking and dragging the mouse over the area.
    • The graph can be exported in multiple different formats. The graph will export as displayed on the screen, so if the user has zoomed in or highlighted a year the export will reflect that view.
      • You can change the size of the studbook module as well to change the shape of the graph prior to exporting.

ZIMS Released February 28, 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • View/Edit function now opens directly into edit mode for users with edit rights throughout the husbandry module
  • Husbandry log templates now have water change functionality option
  • Institution Preference- users can now select a preference to auto-remove animals with dispositions/deaths from animal lists.
  • Safe for Sharks export is available from the Reports menu > Exports
  • Care and Welfare module- Implemented a sort order on templates. The sort order is now by taxonomy, then by Local ID.
  • Option to Save & Repeat has been added to the Institution > Transponder grid
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Sample Storage module:
    • Metrics and Statistics feature- users may now view graphs representing their institution’s sample storage inventory. Data is grouped by sample type or by taxonomic class.
    • Users may now update the thaw counter for all samples held within a storage location.
    • Updated the move to storage process for samples recorded within a necropsy record.
  • Test Result Upload project- began development on this feature
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • PMx Export Changes: To improve speed and user experience the PMx export will noW run in the background after user selects to run the export. No changes have been made to the contents of the PMx export only the process in which it exports.
    • Now, once users select to run the PMx export they will receive a notification that their export has successfully run. After they receive this notification they can choose to run additional PMx exports or close the PMx screen and continue to work in their studbook. The export will be run behind the scenes and once it is complete the user will receive a notification and the export will automatically download to their browser (as it does now).
    • If the user closes the module or logs out of ZIMS prior to the export completing, then the next time the user opens that studbook the export (or exports) will automatically download.
  • Loading spinners in animal list: To improve load time, speed, and user experience of the animal lists loading spinners have been implemented within the animal list columns. Now when the user opens the Living, All, Data Quality, or Pending Animal List, the list will automatically load with the studbook ID and GAN (if available), all additional columns will display as spinners and the data will load over time. Previously, the system required all data to fully load before the user could begin work in the studbook, now users can begin work and the additional columns will load over time.
  • Left Navigation highlighting Left hand navigation on the dashboard and animal lists (with and without overlay) now highlight to display which list the studbook is currently displaying.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released January 17, 2020

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics
  • Maintenance and Water Changes
    • Users can now track water change data for enclosures, life supports and components
      • For enclosures with system volume in ZIMS, amount or percentage fields will auto-calculate based on user entries
      • Tracking source of water changes will allow users to assess water usage
      • Data export has been updated to include water change data
    • Animals Available and Wanted
      • New column available: Date Added
        • This column shows the date the animal was entered on the AA&W list to allow for quick searching on newly-added animals
      • Minor enhancements and bug fixes
ZIMS for Medical
  • Sample Storage module— manage the samples stored locally at your institution:
    • Create a sample storage location hierarchy, use existing global location templates or create new local templates.
    • Manage storage locations to edit, delete, mark obsolete, or move a location within your institution.
    • View Samples collection records entered via the medical dashboard within the sample storage module. If a sample has not been entered, it may be recorded from the Place Samples into Storage screen so you do not have to switch modules.
    • Samples may be moved to storage from within the sample storage module or the medical dashboard screens.
    • Samples may be reserved for a specific project and/or submission to a specific laboratory.
    • Manage stored samples including search and removal functions, and sample location moves.
    • View Samples with a Purpose, which identifies samples that have been flagged reserved so they can be efficiently removed in just a few steps.
    • Reporting features to search for and export samples based on taxonomy, animal ID, health status, sample type, where it’s been sent, why it was removed, etc.
ZIMS for Studbooks
  • Format Change to Show History Export:
    • Based on user feedback, minor changes have been made to the excel export when the “show history” filter is selected. The transactions have been moved to the end of the exported columns to make it easier to view/sort the export.
  • Taxonomy Filter in Animal Lists:
    • A taxonomy filter has been added to the animal list screens (living, all, data quality, pending updates). All taxon within the studbook are listed in the dropdown and users can select one or more taxon for the filter parameters.

2019 Release Notes

ZIMS for Husbandry and Aquatics

  • Animal Graphing Tool
    • Users can now graph various record types for single or multiple animals, including animal weights and lengths, feed logs, energy content and care and welfare data
    • Data export includes all selected animals and record type
    • Easily view trends over time from the desktop or mobile platform
    • Customize the y-axis to narrow down areas of note
  • Care and Welfare Module enhancements and bug fixes:
    • Left column freezes to improve mobile scrolling capability
    • Order of animals in columns should now be consistent by local ID unless user creates a custom order when building a template
    • Mobile freezing issues have been resolved
  • Daily Report improvements:
    • Life Support and Component data now available on the Daily Report
  • Death notification for animals on loan
    • For animals on loan with a recorded death, the holding institution will receive a notice that the loaning institution will receive a pending transaction automatically. Non-ZIMS loaning institutions will need to be manually notified.
  • Template shortcuts now work from mobile devices
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Continued work on the Sample Storage module
  • Bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Filter Animal List by Multiple Status types:
    • Users can now select more than one status type when filtering their lists. This will assist studbook keepers who manage populations both in situ and ex situ, as they can now filter to see all of their living animals within one list.
  • PMx Improvements
    • Name change from .ped to .zim file
    • Additional columns added to export
      • House name, GAN, tags, bands, transponders, rearing, birth type, birth location, contraception, taxonomy, estimated conception date, regional association, demographically selected, UDFs
    • Improvements for MULTs with varying percentages assigned
      • If MULT groupings are assigned different percentages for parents, now a letter is added to the end of the MULT to designate the percentages of the parents differ.
    • “Apply demographic filters to all filters” button on PMx export screen now updates all filters but does not change census date.
  • Filter Animal List by Notes
    • Option now available to filter the animal list by note records. All animals the match text entered in note filter will return in the list and users can view the note by selecting the “+” icon. Filter by text, note type, subtype or keywords.
  • Column Customization
    • Allows users to set preferences for the columns displayed within each animal list.
      • Each animal list (Living, All, Suggested, Pending Updates, and Data Quality) can be individually customized to display the columns preferred by the user.
      • The columns displayed in the list will export to excel and PDF.
      • Columns can be sorted and the user can reorder the columns by dragging and dropping the column header.
      • The column customization selection for each list (can be the same or different columns selected per list) will remain in place when the user logs out and back into ZIMS.
    • New Columns Available in Animal Lists:
      • UDFs:Users can now choose to display the UDFs within the animals list. Turning on a UDF column will display the UDF for each animal displayed in the list.
        • If the studbook has multiple UDFs, the user can turn each UDF column on individually to display some or all of the columns.
      • Regional Association:This column displays the regional association that the animal is currently a part of. The regional associations displayed are based on the current institution holding the animal.
      • Contraception:This column will display the most recent active contraception status for each animal.
      • Birth Location:Currently available in live ZIMS. Displays the animal’s birth location.
      • Transponder:Displays the animal’s most recent transponder entered by the institution or the user.
      • Tag:Displays the animal’s most recent tag entered by the institution or the user.
      • Band:Displays the animal’s most recent band entered by the institution or the user.
      • Death Date:Displays the animal’s death date.
      • RearingDisplays animals rearing record.
      • Estimated Conception Date:Displays the estimated conception date for the animal based on the birth/hatch date and gestation/incubation period entered the studbook.
    • Identifier Search
      • The animal search filter has been improved to search for all animal identifiers. Previously the filter only searched on local ID, GAN, and SB ID. Now the user can enter any text in the search box and the list will return all animals that have an identifier match.
    • Death Code Local ID Changes:
      • Death codes have been removed from death local ID events and replaced with the local ID for all studbooks.
    • Migration Linking Improvements:
      • Studbook animals with multiple potential matches in Husbandry are no longer automatically linked to any Husbandry animals during migration.
      • This change will give users better visibility to potential duplicate animals in Husbandry so they may be reported for merging or dismissed from the suggested list and users can choose which Husbandry animal to link to the studbook animal.
    • DQ Error for duplicate local IDs
      • A new data quality error was implemented that looks for duplicate local ID/mnemonic pairings within the studbook.
    • Census Details Report:
      • This report can be filtered by location, UDF, and taxonomy and includes number of births, death, transfers, etc. broken down by male.female.undetermined. There are hyperlinks for the counts, similar to the census report.
    • Institutional Holdings Improvements:
      • The count displayed in the report is now broken down by male.female.undetermined totals with a hyperlink to the total number of animals. The export to excel/PDF exports as sorted and displayed in the tool.
    • Compare Husbandry Animal:
      • The Compare tool now allows users to enter a GAN to compare Husbandry animal records. The tool can now compare Husbandry animals and Studbook animals, this should allow for easier investigation of duplicate Husbandry animals and comparing Husbandry/Studbook animals for linking.
      • This tool can be accessed from the Tools menu, Studbook Animal Detail screen, and the Suggested Animal Detail screen.
    • Suggested List Location Filters:
      • Location filters have been added to the Suggested Animal List to allow users to search and add animals to their studbooks more efficiently. Users can now filter the list using the same filters available in the other animal lists – this includes using and creating saved location filters.
    • Minor enhancements and bug fixes


ZIMS Released on 01 December 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Add or edit animal identifiers to animal weight and length templates: Users can now choose which identifiers to display for each animal on an animal weight or length template. Existing templates may be edited to change which identifiers show.
  • Add animal to Animals Available List from the animal record: Users can now directly add an animal to the Animals Available List from the animal record by using the Actions menu option.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Dismiss Data Quality Errors: Users now have the ability to dismiss data quality errors. Dismissed errors can still be viewed within the data quality screen by selecting “Display Dismissed Errors” checkbox. Regional associations can provide access to this functionality.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Environmental Quality Graphing Toolupdates:
    • Data export: Users can now export raw data to Excel. The parameters selected with the graphing tool will determine what data appears on the export so that users can directly choose which entities and measurement types to display. Export format is designed to allow for easy graphing and data manipulation in Excel.
    • Change UOM option: For measurement types with multiple units of measure, users can now select a different UOM option on the Y-axis of the graph, and the graph will convert accordingly. A conversion factor must be available for the UOM options in order for the conversion to appear.
    • Additional general usability improvements to dropdown functionality and display capabilities

Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released on 27 October 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Quick search by taxonomy: Users can now use the animal quick search feature in the Start Menu to search by scientific or common name. The search will return the top ten results, with a link to open the full animal search menu if additional search options are available.
  • Husbandry Log Templates: Users can now choose which Animal identifiers to display on their templates when adding or editing columns.
  • Templates: Users can now create desktop shortcuts for their favorite templates. This option is available in the Manage Templates screen under the Actions menu for each template.

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes
  • Continued work on Sample Storage Module

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Link to Husbandry from Suggested List: Users now have the option to view the Husbandry global view of an animal for Suggested Animals by selecting “View Animal Detail in Husbandry.” If the user does not have the access to the Husbandry Animals module, they will receive a warning to contact their local admin for access.
  • Death event business rules: Users now cannot add or accept more than one death event.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Group history notes now available on the Specimen Report: Users now have the option to include notes from animals related through group split and merge transactions.
  • Environmental Quality Graphing Toolupdates:
    • Custom select specific measurement types to display for different entities
    • Select entities by responsible party or enclosure/life support/component list
    • Graph image is now exportable
    • Zoom in on graph to see more detail for any areas of data points
    • When graphing a single measurement type for an entity with a Measurement Range Template in place, graph will display desired measurement range area.
    • User can save and apply favorite graph settings

ZIMS Released on 29 September 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Introducing the Care and Welfare module!
    • Streamline access to key care and welfare indicators by using ZIMS to systematically track and monitor inputs and outputs of animal care.
    • The module tracks by utilizing WAZA’s 5-Domain model for Welfare monitoring: behavior, physical health, environment, nutrition, and mental domain.
    • A graphing tool allows users to easily see trends and changes in established care and welfare indicators. The data export tool allows for an easy export of all animal care and welfare data entered for one or multiple animals.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Accept all updatesfor animals at one location: Users now have the ability to quickly and efficiently accept all pending updates for an animal that has been at on institution (ex. births/hatches). When the users selects the Accept All button on a draft animal, all updates that have the required fields will be accepted automatically into the studbook with one click.
  • Institutional Holdings:This report, found in the tools bar, allows the user to see the number of animals institutions currently or historically have held within the studbook. Sort, filter and export features allow the user to quickly and efficiently use this report
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Group History for Notes and Observations
    • For animals with a group split or merge transaction relationship, users can now select “show group history” on the Animal Notes and Observations tab. This will display notes and observations from any related animals. This helps users quickly see any important history information when viewing an animal with a split or merge history.
  • Enhanced environmental quality graphing tools
    • The environmental measurement graphing tools have received a major upgrade!
      • Graph multiple measurement types for an enclosure, life support or component
      • Graph a measurement type for multiple entities
      • Graph multiple measurement types for multiple entities
    • Access the new tools from the Start menu > Tools menu or from within the measurements section in an Enclosure, Life Support or Component
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released on 8 September 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Enhanced colony management
    • Accessions, partial acquisitions and partial dispositions now have the ability to mark a group as a colony from the transaction screens.
    • Search by colony has been added to the Advanced Animal search menu options
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Hyperlinks to suggested matches on the Suggested Animal list
  • Pin animal from the animal detail screen
  • Data quality check for Currentness date on the studbook dashboard
  • Animal Detail Activity Stream – this tool tracks all of the event changes per animal and displays them to the user on the right hand side of the Animal Detail screen. In addition to record changes, this tool also shows all of the current data quality errors for the individual making it easier for the user to fix these issues.
  • Transaction changes:
    • The system no longer requires users to enter an origin transaction. Only a birth transaction is now required.
    • When entering a recapture from wild a transfer transaction is no longer required.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Enclosure Occupants Summary Report
    • A new report designed to show, in summarized detail, the changes in enclosure occupants over a time period, including acquisitions, births, animal moves, deaths and dispositions from an enclosure.
    • Note: Access to this report has been granted to Local Admin and User roles. For any custom roles, your local admin will need to turn on access. If you do not see this report in your Report menu options, please contact your local admin for access.
  • Husbandry log templates – the + row feature is now available for all record types
    • This allows users to enter multiple records for a single date/time session per column, as needed. For example, instead of adding a column each for water temperature and pH, you can create an enclosure measurement column and use the + row feature to add multiple measurements. This reduces the number of columns in your template and helps save screen space.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes


ZIMS Released on 1 August 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Saved Favorite Accession Fields
    • Just like favorite report filters, users can now save commonly entered information for animal accession screens.
    • Users can add new favorite accession settings, edit/update their favorites, or remove them from the list when no longer needed.
  • Activity Report performance improvements
    • Performance enhancements were completed to improve run time for this report
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Accept Pending Update improvements that allows the users two choices when accepting updates:
    • Accept with edit: allows the user to accept the record and make additional changes before it is added to the studbook
    • Accept: When selected, the pending update is automatically accepted into the studbook without a pop-up window for editing.
  • Animal History export: Excel export now available for the animal history report, this tool replicates similar functionality to the historic studbook report.
  • Tools for tracking when an animal that is in your studbook has been merged/split/deleted in Husbandry. If an animal has been altered in Husbandry in these ways, they will display in the Husbandry Data Fix Report on the Suggested List.
  • Rules implemented that prevents users from adding studbook IDs that begin with a zero
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Accession animals into multiple enclosures
    • For Institutions with the multiple enclosure preference enabled, users can now add animals and groups of animals into multiple enclosures from the accession, acquisition and disposition screens.
  • Husbandry log templates – create columns for multiple entities
    • Users can now add columns to their templates for multiple entities at a time. Users may select more than one animal, enclosure, life support or component, and then select the record type and choose default fields. Upon saving, a new column for that record type will be created for each entity selected.
  • Enclosure hyperlink in animal record
    • In the Animal Basic Info detail box, the enclosure listing is now a hyperlink to allow for easy access of the enclosure detail
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released on 23 June 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Continued work on Sample Storage module
  • Clinical notes now have a record lock feature so that two team members cannot edit a note at the same time. This feature prevents one person from opening a clinical note that is actively being revised by another team member, thus reducing the risk for data being overwritten. The same feature was recently released for pathology records.
  • Improvements to the Administered Dose Quantity and Dose calculators
  • Improved the speed for completing an incomplete accession for an animal with a large number of associated records.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Accept All option added to parent grid – users now have the option to bulk add suggested parents to their studbook.
  • Dashboard left navigation implementation – the studbook overview, institution list, and overlays are now accessed from the left navigation bar of the dashboard.
  • Basic animal information improvements – box frozen within the detail screen so user can see the content as they scroll through the animal detail.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Husbandry Log Templates > Saved Records Section
    • Quickly view records entered using your Husbandry Log Templates
    • Currently, view by month. Extended date range coming soon!
  • Out of range measurement warnings now incorporated into Husbandry Log templates
    • Immediately see measurements that are out of range
    • Out of range measurements also indicated in the Most Recent Records section
    • Integrated with email notification
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released on 23 May 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes
  • Made changes to the following data standards:
    • Added Copper, Free Copper, and Total Copper as valid measurements for aquatic life supports and aquatic components
    • Added Corporate Sponsor as institution type
    • Updated definition of rearing type “Supplemental”
    • Added new measurement type “Ulna (antebrachium) length” and made it valid for all Aves
    • Added new measurement type “UV Index Maximum” and “UV Index Minimum” and made valid for terrestrial enclosures, life supports, and components

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Data Entry Monitoring tool moved to role access. Regional associations can provide role access to this tool.
  • Studbooks with multiple parents defined (MULTs) can now access the MULT parent list in the tools menu. This tool will only display if the studbook contains MULTs.
  • Minor usability enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Husbandry Log Templates have been added!
    • These new templates allow for faster data entry on husbandry side
    • Covers a wide range of entities and record types
    • New checklist feature to record if something was or was not done that day
      • Free text label on the checkbox – customize it to best suit your use!
    • Customize what items you do or don’t want to record for a particular record type
    • See the last 5 entries to notice trends
    • Built with the ability to view on mobile devices thanks to responsive design
    • For more information, see our blog post:
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released on 28 April 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Local reference intervals for clinical pathology tests can now be calculated for your institution. Please have your Medical Administrator contact Species360 member support for more information.
  • The team has begun working on sample storage features, they are not yet ready for release but development is in progress.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Animal History Filter– when user apply this filter they have the option to see the transaction history of individuals from within the animal lists. This tool is available in all animal lists: living, all animals, pedigree lists and can be applied with other filters selected.
  • Export Suggested Animal list to Excel file
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes


ZIMS Released on 28 March 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Search by Diagnosis– this new report allows members to search local animal records for clinical or pathology diagnosisthat contain specific medical terms.
    • The data set can be filtered by taxonomy, diagnosis type (clinical or pathology), confidence level and onset date.
    • Multiple medical terms can be included to produce “and/or” searches or by selecting a term group (a list of related, but separate, medical terms such as “neoplasia”).
    • The results include animal GAN, enclosure, preferred ID, necropsy case number, onset date, gender, and age.
    • Feature made possible in part by funding support from the Institute of Museum and Library Servicesgrant #MG30-14-0039-14.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Overlay Functionality– allows Studbooks users to apply assumptive data to their studbooks and export this data to PMx for analysis. Overlay functionality is managed under role access, please contact your regional association representative to gain access to this functionality.
    • Managing overlays – create, edit, delete, copy overlays
    • Edit animal records within the overlay mode
      • Example: change undetermined sire to wild with overlay applied
    • Add a hypothetical animal to the overlay
    • View a list of all animals with assumption data applied
    • Pedigree reports displaying overlay data
    • PMx export with overlay applied
  • House name and birth type columns added to animal lists
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released on 28 February 2018

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes
  • Made changes to the following data standards:
    • Changed animal measurement “tibiotarsal circumference” to “tibiotarsal diameter”
      • All parties that used the measurement were notified
    • Added “microsiemens per centimeter” units to water quality measurement “specific conductivity”
    • Added “fungal aerosols”, “UV Index Maximum”, and “UV Index Minimum” as environmental measurements
    • Added “tablespoon” as unit of measure for feed logs
    • Changed enrichment source term “Constructed in house” to “Constructed/Sourced In House” with new definition “Enrichment Item was built at or sourced from the institution. Includes feeder animals bred in house or items grown in house like browse or other vegetation.”
    • Added “Reticulorumen” as valid transponder location for ruminants

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes including:
    • Added “intranasal” to the data standard for drug route of administration.
    • “Preservative” is no longer a required field when creating a necropsy tissue template for unfixed tissue sets.

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released on 14 February 2018

ZIMS is now available in 4 languages!

  • Japanese translation completed in January 2018. You can update your language settings within the start menu under personal preferences.

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Medical

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes for creating a studbook from ZIMS data

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS Released September – December 2017

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • Added voice recognition tool to several screens: Animal (notes and observations, feed log, enrichment item and session); Enclosure (notes and observations, feed log, maintenance notes/requests, measurement action taken, enclosure treatment); Life support (notes and observations, measurement action taken, maintenance); Component (notes and observations, measurement action taken, maintenance)

ZIMS for Medical

  • Expected Test Results- global medical resource that calculates over 500,000 test result values for more than 1000 species.
  • Improvements to the Caseload Management Report
  • Implemented “record lock” for necropsy records. Only one user can edit a pathology record at a time.
  • Added voice recognition tool to clinical notes.
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • Improvements to PMx export
  • Add/edit/delete contact from institution list
  • Filter box improvements – user friendly tabs have been added in addition to text display for filters when filter box is closed
  • Taxonomy column added to animal lists throughout module
  • Data quality and data migration improvements
  • Census report – hyperlinks were added to allow user to navigate to a list of animals directly from the report

ZIMS for Aquatics

  • Daily Report enhancements:
    • Run for an extended date range
    • Now includes enclosure feed logs, notes and observations
  • Enclosure Occupants list batch functionality
    • Occupants list now operates like an animal list
    • Carry out batch actions for some or all enclosure occupants from one screen
  • Manage Templates
    • All measurement templates are now in one place! Add/edit/delete or add records to any kind of data entry template here.
    • Check out the responsive design! Improved functionality from tablet and mobile phone devices.

ZIMS Released on 30 August 2017

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • The following features are available to users who are assigned to studbooks by their regional association. If you are interested in migrating your studbook into ZIMS please contact your regional association representative or
  • New features of ZIMS for Studbooks include:
    • Suggested List Global filters:Users can now filter their Suggested Animal List to display Local (suggested Husbandry animals within their regional association) or Global (all Husbandry animals) that meet the taxonomic criteria for their studbook.
      • Filtering functionality has been added that includes filtering of animals with and without a suggested link.
      • This feature is intended to assist Studbook Keepers in linking animals that our outside their regional association and exist in their studbook.
    • Edit/Delete Institutional Notes:User can now edit and delete notes that have been added to institutions within the studbooks institution list.
    • Minor bug fixes


ZIMS Released on 19 July 2017

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • The following features are available to users who are assigned to studbooks by their regional association. If you are interested in migrating your studbook into ZIMS please contact your regional association representative or
  • New features of ZIMS for Studbooks include:
    • Pedigree Tools:Four new pedigree tools are available. These tools can be access from the tools bar or from within an animal detail screen.
      • Unknown Pedigree Report:View a list of all animals in the studbook with unknown pedigree.
        • Report includes number of living descendants with hyperlink so user can view these descendants within the animal list.
      • Descendant List:View a list of descendants for a focal animal
      • Antecedent List:View a list of antecedents for a focal animal
      • Siblings List:View a list of siblings for a focal animal
    • Animal Comparison Tool:
      • Compare studbook animals side-by-side
    • Animal Detail Basic Info Improvements:
      • User can access the pedigree and animal comparison tools from the animal details basic info section.
      • Streamlined information and action buttons
    • Navigation to animal detail screen from the studbook activity stream
      • User can now click on an animal’s studbook ID in the activity stream to navigate directly to an animal’s detail screen

ZIMS for Aquatics

Animal Feed Log Feature Highlights:

  • Add multiple food items in one log entry.
  • Track energy content for your food items.
  • Column customization:Click on column headers in the Add New Feed Log screen to determine which data columns you want to see in your feed log and drag columns left and right to select the order in which you’d like to see them. ZIMS will remember your selections and will only display the columns you choose to see after saving your feed log entry.
  • New list view format:Header rows detail daily totals for total food amounts offered and consumed as well as total daily energy content.
  • Double click on any existing record to open the record for editing.
  • Clone feed log:Highlight an existing feed log and select “clone feed log” from the Actions menu. Update the date/time for the log entry and save for quick data entry.
  • This feature is also available from the batch action and simple batch action options for Animal lists.
  • Like these new features? This functionality will be available for Enclosures in the future. Please send feature feedback to– we love to hear from you!

ZIMS for Medical

Improvements to the Health Status Conflict warning feature

Over the last few releases, the rules have been adjusted to reduce the frequency of the popup data conflict warning for Health Status/Diagnosis for clinicians working as part of a team practice:

  • ZIMS now only shows the warning message to users that have the right to add/edit a health status.
  • ZIMS now only issues the warning for a potential conflict when the logged in user and responsible party who entered the diagnosis are the same.
  • If the health status is changed to abnormal and no diagnosis has been entered, all logged in users with the right to enter a diagnosis will see the conflict warning until a diagnosis is entered.
  • If an animal has no defined health status, all users with the right to edit will continue to get the warning until a health status is defined.
  • ZIMS has provided easier access to align health status with a diagnosis entry. When a user is entering a new medical diagnosis/procedure or resolving an existing diagnosis, the user can also update the health status from a link in the Diagnosis screen at the same time to improve consistency between health status and active medical problems.

ZIMS Released on 24 April 2017

ZIMS for Studbooks

  • ZIMS for Studbooks Release!
  • Features are available to users who are assigned to studbooks by their regional association. If you are interested in migrating your studbook into ZIMS please contact your regional association representative or
  • New features of ZIMS for Studbooks include:
    • Studbook List
      • A list of all the studbooks user is assigned to, the user can access their studbook data from this location.
    • Studbook Dashboard
      • Shortcuts to animal lists and data quality tools
      • Studbook Activity Stream – running list of all edits the user(s) have made to the studbook
    • Studbook Overview
      • Studbook Basic Information – including location for studbook description, species notes, and assumptions/conventions
      • Taxonomy Details – taxonomy included in the studbook with ability to edit gestation period and interbirth intervals
      • Studbook Number settings – view the next number to be assigned or choose a temporary number prefix
      • Assignments – view all users assigned to the studbook
      • User Defined Fields(UDFs) – create and manage user defined fields.
    • Institution List
      • View and search over 13,000 Species360 recognized institutions
      • View institution details and add notes to institutions
      • Add local institutions to your studbook’s institution list
    • Living Animals List
      • View list of all animals currently living in the studbook. User can filter, sort, export list.
      • Access an animal’s detail screen from the animal lists
      • Pin (favorite) animals to quickly access them from the My Animals navigation
    • All Animals List
      • Quickly access and view all animals in the studbook without having to apply a filter.
      • User can filter, sort, and export the all animal list.
    • “My Animals” Navigation
      • View and quickly navigate to a recently viewed animal details
      • Access pinned animals
      • View and quickly access draft animals
    • Animal Details
      • View, add, edit, and delete detailed information about individual animals including:
        • Basic information – quickly view basic information about the animal in context
        • Transactions – document the physical transaction and ownership for animals
        • Parents – manage parents and add track multiple parents for individuals
        • Taxonomy – identify the taxonomy or any taxonomic changes through time
        • Sex – enter sex type or any changes in sex time through time
        • Rearing – document rearing start and end dates
        • Contraception – track contraceptive history through time
        • Identifiers – enter identifiers and view institution entered identifiers automatically
        • User Defined Fields – assign UDFs to individual animals
        • Animal Notes – Notes are automatically populated in the animal notes box for any notes entered for the above fields. Users can also enter notes directly into the animal note box.
      • View, accept, and reject institutional (Husbandry) data for animals in the studbook that have been linked to an animal in Husbandry.
    • Draft Animal Functionality
      • Quickly add a ZIMS or a non-ZIMS animal to the studbook by creating a draft
      • Draft functionality automatically saves the animal, allowing users to complete the draft studbook animal at their own pace.
      • Once all of the required information is entered for the draft animal, the user can assign a studbook ID.
    • Suggested Animal List
      • List of animals that exist in Husbandry (new births or transfers) that the system is suggesting be added to the studbook.
      • User can add these animals as draft animals, create a link between a suggested animal and a studbook animal, or reject the animal from the studbook.
    • Pending Updates List
      • List of pending updates (updates coming from Husbandry) for individual animals in the studbook that are linked to Husbandry animals.
      • Pending updates will automatically populate for animals in the studbook that are linked to Husbandry animals.
    • Data Quality Tools
      • List of data quality errors that may impact the data within a studbook – errors are categorized into high, medium, and low priority bugs.
      • Hover overs display information to the user on tips for fixing the data error.
      • Filter, sort, and export the data quality list.
    • Census Report
      • Create a census report for the studbook population
      • Apply various filters including date, location, and UDFs
    • Data Migration Validation Report
      • Tool to assist the user after their migration from legacy studbook software to ZIMS
      • Report displays data counts and information for users to compare databases to ensure the information was correctly migrated.
    • Date Entry Monitoring Tool
      • Tool that allows the user to undo any additions, edits, or deletions to the studbook.
    • Regional Association Management screens and tools
      • Regional association management functionality including the ability to assign users to studbooks, create roles, and manage studbooks within their region.

ZIMS released on January 30, 2017

ZIMS for Husbandry

  • New feature: Email notification for out of range measurements
    • For enclosure and life support environmental and water quality measurements: Select staff to receive email alerts for measurement values entered that are out of parameter range, as set by Measurement Range Templates in the Tools menu.
    • Choose from two email options:
      • Instant Alerts – receive an email within five minutes of out of range data entry.
      • Daily Summary – receive one email per day with all measurements out of range for any enclosure or life support the user is assigned to. These emails will be delivered at noon in the time zone selected in user preferences.
    • New Feature: Collection Conservation Focuscharts – showing your collections’ weighting of species and animals versus IUCN Red List species, added to Animal/Charts, as Taxonomy/% IUCN Red List.
    • New Feature: Species Event History “Movie”on the report menu – see visual animation of births and moves of any species, for a region, or all.
    • New Feature: Data Quality “Congratulations”section – see which species have lived the longest ever, and those currently living setting longevity records, which are in your collection (or if it’s a 100 year old mouse, see the dates to be fixed). Data Management/Data Quality/Congratulations.
    • New Feature: Data Quality issue filter– click on IUCN Red List icon to filter data quality issues to just IUCN Red list At Risk species.
    • Minor changes were made for regional associations in the institutional module for your region. Studbook Keeper Newsfeed List has moved to a “Studbooks” tab.

ZIMS for Medical

  • New Feature: Global/Local Morbidity and Mortality Analysis, a set of 3 different tools designed to provide diagnostic assistance for the clinician.
    • Common clinical issues: Extracted from the clinical diagnosis records, this is a summary of the most commonly reported medical problems for a species.
    • Relevant Death Information analysis: Forty years worth of information can be graphed for any taxonomic grouping with a global, regional or institutional scope. The data is layered and users can “drill down” through the layers by clicking on bars in the graph. When the scope is institutional, users can drill down to lists of individual animals, allowing easy identification of animals where relevant death information is missing or otherwise needs editing.
    • Test results: The stringent requirements for calculating reference intervals means that only a small fraction of the available information gets incorporated into the Global Reference Intervals resource. This new tool provides some access to the rest of the ZIMS test result database. If you have just measured your first B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) level in a gorilla, this tool allows you to see what related information has been entered by other users around the world.
  • Global Drug Usage Extract:This resource has always provided users with the range of drug dosages range derived from global prescriptions, but now the resource displays the distribution of those dosages. Look for the histogram icon next to the dosage range and hover-over that icon.
  • Global Anesthesia Summaries:Three enhancements have been added to the existing resource.
    • Filtering by drug: As new anesthetic drugs become available (e.g., thiafentanil), this filter allows users to quickly find any existing protocols that use this drug.
    • Usage histogram: Hover-over the drug protocol number to see usage over the past 30 years and evaluate whether protocol is gaining or waning in popularity.
    • Dosage histogram: Hover-over the histogram icon next to any drug dosage range to see the distribution of that drug dosage.
  • Anesthesia Data Quality:This new data quality tool allows users to easily find their partially completed anesthesia records and finish the data entry on those records. Once the record is completed, it may get incorporated into the next monthly recalculation of the Global Anesthesia Summaries resource.
  • Data consistency warnings:Health status and clinical diagnosis records are separate but related medical information about an animal. When an animal brought into focus has a possible data conflict, a warning is displayed and the user is given an immediate opportunity to resolve the conflict.
  • Fixes and Improvements include:
    • Improved performance of the Medical Dashboard
    • Data fix for the Pharmacy Inventory module for usage records not linked to prescription records
    • Necropsy addendums display correctly in edit mode
    • Husbandry necropsy notes entered through pathology remain connected to the necropsy record
    • Changed tabbing order on some screens to make adding and editing records easier
    • Global Anesthesia Summaries role can be assigned by local admin, giving husbandry users access to this resource

ZIMS for Studbooks

Preparations implemented in the system to support ZIMS for Studbooks, which will be released in Spring 2017

Global information
serving conservation.

Species360 facilitates international collaboration in the collection and sharing of data to serve global plant and animal management and conservation goals.