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Supporting Animal Welfare: Species360 makes it easier to share welfare program essentials at home and with other institutions

In case you missed it! Here are recent enhancements to ZIMS for Care and Welfare. Using feedback from our members, we implemented improvements that make it easier and faster to track animal welfare, model processes for peer teams, and more quickly rollout templates designed for each species.
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Species360 Insights: Universities at Suffolk (UK) and Virginia (USA) join Species360

Species360 research partners use ZIMS data to discover new insights. Among the participants in the research partner program are University of California at Berkeley and UC Davis (United States), University of Navarro (Spain), Babes Bolyai University (Romania), Murdoch University (Australia), and Royal Agriculture University (England).
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Webinar: “A unique moment in time” and what it means for aquariums

Being good at your mission is more important than ever for aquariums' financial sustainability, according to new research shared in the Future Aquarium Trends webinar and panel discussion hosted this week by Species360. The tighter connection between mission and revenue is one of several important consumer research findings presented by Impacts Experience, a team that helps executives at cultural institutions like aquariums, museums, and zoos to develop business and audience engagement strategies based on actionable data.
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New Members: Miami Seaquarium (Florida), Sea Life Park (Hawaii), and Living Shores Aquarium (Northeastern United States) join Species360

As a global nonprofit, Species360 facilitates international collaboration in recording and sharing essential data on species. A growing number of wildlife institutions are participating in this effort. In all, 34 aquariums, zoos, and wildlife refuges in Europe, Asia, and the Americas have joined Species360 this year. They represent non-profit and for-profit, large and small institutions.
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